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<br />CJD BUDGET ADJUSTMENT POLlCY <br /> <br />Budget adjustments not included in the maximum of four budget adjustments: <br /> <br />1. Any changes of project director, financial officer. or authorized official <br />2. Out of state travel that was not included by individual nip in the approved budget. <br />3, Olanges in need. objectives, methodology. scope, or geographic location of the grant. <br />4, COSt of living and merit increases for a budgeted salary. (Grantees should include approval by <br />the governing body citing the effective date of the increases.) , <br />5. Payments to confidential informants exceeding $2,500. <br />6. Payments of liens on forfeited vehicles, personal property or real estate. <br />7. Satisfying special conditions. <br />8. Carryover of program income from the previous grant year to the current grant year. <br /> <br />Budget adjustments initiated by Grantee: <br /> <br />1. Transfers of foods among direct cost categories exceeding five percent of the total grant <br />budget over the gram year. <br />2. Changes in the number or job descriptions of personnel specified in the grant. <br />3. Changes in equipment amooots, types, or methods of "acquisition. <br />4. Changes in the grant period or in the period for liquidating all encumbered foods. <br />5. Decrease in the grantee cash contribution. <br />6. Expenditure of program income not allocated in the approved budget. <br />7. New line items to be included in the budget. " <br />