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Section S. That approval of said plan is not intended to nor shall it constitute zoning <br />regulations or the establishment of zoning district boundaries, and that pursuant to Section <br />213.005 of the Local Government Code, any and all maps included in said comprehensive <br />plan, if the same are not already so designated, shall be and are hereafter considered as <br />being marked with the following language: <br />"A comprehensive plan shall not constitute zoning regulations or establish zoning <br />district boundaries," <br />Section 6. That all ordinances or portions of ordinances adopting prior plans which <br />are in conflict with this ordinance or the Updated 2018 Comprehensive Plan adopted <br />herein shall be and are hereafter repealed to the extent of such conflict. <br />Section 7. That if any chapter, section, paragraph, sentence, or other portion of the <br />aforesaid Updated 2018 Comprehensive Plan adopted herein shall be or is hereafter <br />determined by a court of appropriate jurisdiction to in any way conflict with or be contrary <br />to the constitution and laws of the United States or the State of Texas, the aforesaid finding <br />of illegality shall render unenforceable only that portion of said plan so determined to be <br />unlawful, it being the intention of the City Council that the terms and provisions of said <br />Updated 2018 Comprehensive Plan adopted herein shall be and are hereby severable, and <br />the remaining terms and provisions of said Updated 2018 Comprehensive Plan not affected <br />by said determination of illegality shall remain in full force and affect. <br />Section 8. That it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Paris that this <br />ordinance and every provision hereof, shall be considered severable, and the invalidity or <br />partial invalidity of any section, clause, or provisions of this ordinance shall not affect the <br />validity of any other portion of this ordinance. <br />Section 9. This ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage. <br />PASSED AND ADOPTED on this 8th day of October, 2018, by the City Council of the <br />City of Paris, in regular session, following notice and publication as required by law. <br />W� <br />�IyD,A Steven Iifford, l.D , Mayor <br />Ellis, City Clerk <br />