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Minutes <br />City of Paris <br />The Traffic Commission met on Tuesday August 07, 2018 at 5:15 P.M. in the <br />Municipal Courtroom with the following members present: <br />I. Charles Richards <br />2. Sally Boswell <br />3. John Eyler <br />4,. Dennis Ashby <br />Thee city staff was represented by Asst. Chief Randy Tuttle and City Engineer <br />Carla Easton. <br />Vice -Chairperson John Eyler called the meeting to order at 515pm. A quorum <br />was established with four members present. <br />Mr. Eyler then moved to item #2 regarding the introduction of new Traffiic <br />Commission members. Mr. Tuttle introduced Charles Richards and advised that <br />he had been appointed to serve until June 30, 2021. Mr. Tuttle also informed <br />members that Wendell Moore had been re -appointed to serve until June, 30, <br />2021, <br />Mr. Eyler then moved to item #3 regarding discussion and possible action <br />concerning election of Traffic Commission Chairperson. Mr. Eyler opened the <br />floor for noiminafioins and Mr. Ashby nominated Mr. Eyler. There were no other <br />nominations. Mr. Richards then second Mr. Ashby's nomination and it passed 4 - <br />Mr. Eyler then moved to item #4 regarding discussion and possible action <br />concerning election of Traffic Commission, Vice-ChaiTperson, IMr. Richards <br />nominated Ms. Boswell, There were no other nominations. Mir. Ashby second Mir. <br />Richards's nomination and' it passed 4-0. <br />Mr. Eyler moved to item #5 regarding approval of minutes from June, 015, 2018 <br />meetingi. Mr, Ashby made a motion to approve the minutes and it was second by <br />Ms, Boswell. Motion passed 4-0. <br />Mr. Eyler then moved to item #6 concerning any old business. Ms. Easton <br />informed members she was working on, information concerning the agenda item <br />dlis,cussed at June 05, 2018 meeting, about installing speed cushions on streets <br />around 'made Park, Ms. Easton stated she would be presenting the information <br />at a future meeting. There was no other old business. <br />