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Nathan Bell had to leave at 6:25p.m. <br />8. Consideration and action on extension of lease for Erik Zarones hangar A-7. <br />Richey advised of the $14,000 improvements made by Erik Zarones who is requesting a five <br />year extension of his lease. The improvements included insulated walls and ceiling, painted <br />interior, added wainscoting and put heating and air conditioning in it. <br />Motion was made to approve the five year extension by Nathan Bell and seconded by Ray <br />Ball. Motion carried 4-0. <br />9. Consideration and action on the Airport Management Contract <br />Godwin stated that JR Aviation has two agreements with the city, one is the maintenance <br />contract, and the other is the Fixed Based Operator contract. This is a separate contract where <br />the city pays $25,000 a year to have someone maintain the airport. The only difference <br />between this lease and the previous lease is that there are more specific tasks to be <br />performed. Godwin recommended the renewal of the lease under the new agreement. <br />Motion was made by Nathan Bell to have the maintenance contract extended to coincide with <br />the FBO contract, and seconded by David Taylor. Motion carried 4-0. <br />10. Request items for future agendas. <br />Godwin stated that he would bring a summary of city owned hangars and additional CIP <br />information. Ball requested further discussion regarding aviation class with Paris Junior <br />College. <br />11. Adjournment. <br />A motion to adjourn was made by David Taylor and seconded by Ray Ball to adjourn at <br />6:30p.m. <br />APPROVED THIS 20th DAY OF DECEMBER" 2018. <br />