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MINUTES <br />PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION <br />CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS <br />107 E. KAUFMAN STREET <br />PARIS, TEXAS <br />MONDAY DECEMBER 3 2018 <br />5:30 O'CLOCK P.M. <br />The meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order at 5: 30 p.m. by Keith <br />Flowers, Chairman. <br />The following members were present: John Lee, Chad Lindsey, Rick Hundley, Keith <br />Flowers, James O'Bryan and Sims Norment. <br />Also present were John Godwin, City Manager; Carla Easton, City Engineer; Clyde Crews, <br />Fire Marshal; Steve Clifford, Mayor/City Council Liaison; Billy Trenado, City Council <br />Liaison; Triniti Frazier, Community Development Coordinator and concerned citizens. <br />Absent member(s): Mihir Pankaj. <br />2. Approval of minutes from previous meeting. (November 5, 2018) <br />Motion was made by Sims Norment, seconded by John Lee to approve minutes for the <br />November 5, 2018 meeting. Motion carried 6-0. <br />3. Public hearing to consider and take action regarding the petition of George Fisher for a <br />change in zoningfrom an Agricultural District (A) to a General Retail District (GR), in the <br />B.D. T. Subdivision, Block A, Lot 2, being located behind 3850 Lamar Ave. <br />John Godwin advised this is an item we discussed last month where we recommended denial of <br />the request for Commercial because we believed that General Retail was more appropriate and <br />is also what is on the Comprehensive Plan. Staff recommends approval of the item for a change <br />in zoning from Agricultural to General Retail. <br />Public hearing declared open. <br />Vic Ressler, 4020 Holbrook, states he is representing the seller of the subject property and is in <br />favor of the petition. Ressler states he lives in the neighborhood and doesn't want to see <br />anything that would make the property values go down. This property is currently under <br />contract with the owners of the retail shopping center located at 3850 Lamar Ave. He states the <br />only access to the property is through a 30 ft. easement. The buyer has no use for the property <br />other than he doesn't want anyone to have ingress/egress access across his property and <br />