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provides as follows: <br />9-301 (1): <br />(1) Schedule minimum lot depths- Residential districts, <br />MF -2 minimum lot depth- 120 FT <br />The applicant is proposing to construct a duplex on a lot 91 foot deep. The applicant is <br />requesting a 29 foot variance in depth. <br />Public hearing was declared open. <br />Scott Hearne, the property owner, spoke in favor of the petition. He owns other duplexes <br />on the street and plans to mimic them as close as he can with the needed modifications to <br />meet required setbacks. His goal is to construct a duplex that would continue the <br />beautification of the neighborhood. <br />A.W. Clem inquired about the square footage of the proposed duplex and if it would allow <br />enough room for the required setbacks; to which Scott replied that once this was approved <br />they would design a duplex that would meet required setbacks using a wider footprint and <br />though the backyard would be small not many renters care about the size of the backyards. <br />No one spoke in opposition. <br />Public hearing was declared closed. <br />David Hamilton mentions that there is a memo from the City that recommends granting the <br />29 foot variance and asks if there are any other questions or comments. Louis Hagood <br />informs the board that this address has previously gone in front of the board with a different <br />owner and was denied because the lot was too small. A.W. Clem says that if there was no <br />previous opposition from the public last time and if the applicant is the owner of the <br />adjacent properties that it should not be an issue to grant the variance. David Hamilton <br />agrees that with no opposition the variance is acceptable. <br />Carla Easton, the City Engineer, clarifies that this variance is necessary to construct on the <br />lot and though it does not meet minimum depth requirements it exceeds the width and has <br />enough lot area for construction. This lot has already completed the zoning change process <br />and with acceptable plans that fit the substandard lot a duplex can be constructed. <br />Motion was made by A.W. Clem, seconded by Benny Plata to approve the 29 foot variance <br />in depth. Motion carried 5:0. <br />