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"7-193. Enforcement. <br />"Whenever the Historic Preservation Officer finds that a wall mural does not <br />conform to the requirements, or that the structure of the wall mural or its attachment to <br />the building is in a hazardous condition, he or she shall forward by certified mail to the <br />person in control of the display and the subject property owner a written notice of <br />violation, stating the defects and requiring that person to correct or abate the defects <br />within thirty (30) days. Should the violation persist after the expiration of said thirty (30) <br />days, the City may file a misdemeanor case in the municipal court for the violations of this <br />Article. <br />"7-194. Additional technical issues to be considered when evaluating ermit <br />applications: <br />"Staff and the Historic Preservation Commission shall consider the following when <br />evaluating mural permit (COA) applications in order to aid in the longevity and <br />maintenance of all approved murals: <br />"(a) NEW MURALS: <br />"(1) Murals usually occur on masonry surfaces but other forms of <br />applied art work or signage occur on other building materials <br />such as stucco or wood. However, brick masonry is the <br />typical surface material upon which murals are placed. <br />"(2) Normally occurring moisture originating from within the <br />building (e.g., sinks, cooking) often makes its way through <br />brick on its way to the atmosphere. This moisture builds up <br />behind the layer of paint causing it to bubble and fail. An <br />extreme case of paint failure can occur when there is a water <br />leak or poorly contained runoff. Moisture trapped within a <br />brick, especially older soft brick, causes it to deteriorate <br />(dusting/efflorescence). <br />"(3) Having said the above, it has been shown that murals can last a <br />long time since they typically do not cover all of the bricks on a <br />building and the moisture dissipates elsewhere. Mural <br />longevity depends upon the type of brick and type of paint, as <br />well as the environment. One characteristic that makes <br />murals last a long time is the paint's ability to transfer <br />moisture. <br />