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REGULAR MEETING MINUTES <br />MAIN STREET ADVISORY BOARD <br />Tuesda ,Januar . 8 2019 <br />4:30 PM <br />Present: Absent: <br />Glee Emmite, Chair John Brazile <br />Shelley McDowell Jane Helberg <br />Kevin Ashmore <br />Carolyn Patterson <br />Laurie Redus <br />Becky Semple <br />Council Liaison - Clayton Pilgrim <br />Cheri Bedford, Main Street Manager <br />AGENDA <br />1. Glee Emmite called the meeting to order at 4:30 PM in the Paris City Council Chambers. <br />2. November minutes — Minutes had been emailed earlier to all board members and were available on the monitors <br />for viewing. A motion to approve the November 13, 2018 meeting minutes was made by Shelley McDowell, second <br />by Laurie Redus, motion carried. <br />3. Cheri Bedford requested that the board amend the minutes of the January 9, 2018 meeting of the Main Street <br />Board. The amendment to the minutes would reflect a Building Improvement Grant (BIG) approved but not <br />included in the minutes at that time. The BIG was awarded to Don Moffitt (Moffitt Financial Group) for the <br />renovation of the building at 36 West Plaza. Laurie Redus made the motion to amend the January 9, 2018 minutes <br />to include the $5,000 Building Improvement Grant to Don Moffitt as Line Item # 4. Second by Kevin Ashmore, <br />motion carried. <br />4. Committee Discussions <br />• Design — Glee Emmite, HPC Liaison, reported that a subcommittee is working on design standards for both new <br />murals and existing ghost (faded) murals. The committee consisting of Mike Lazar (chair), Linda Vandiver, Cheri <br />Bedford and Glee Emmite has met with John Godwin, and he will present the mural information to the city council. <br />• Promotions — John Brazile was not present to report. Cheri Bedford noted that the promotions committee will <br />meet immediately following the board meeting to discuss a new downtown event for the week of spring break. <br />• Economic Vitality — Kevin Ashmore reported the next meeting of the committee was targeted for the first week <br />of February. Data is still being gathered from 1) City of Paris by Cheri Bedford, 2) Small Business Association by <br />Chase Coleman and 3) federal/state grant information by HWH. This data will be incorporated into a document to <br />educate the public and business community about building related incentives that are available. It will serve as a <br />recruitment tool to attract prospective businesses to our area with downtown as the major focus. <br />• Organization — Laurie Redus and Cheri Bedford met to discuss outstanding items to be completed by the <br />organization committee. A press release for Texas Furniture is ready to be sent to The Paris News, thank you notes <br />to students assisting with the Christmas tree lighting are almost complete, and it's time to begin organizing <br />volunteers for Wine Fest on April 13, 2019. <br />• Chamber and V&CC — Becky Semple reported on the following information and events. • Comedy Festival, <br />January 24-26 organized by Daryl Felsberg, • Wine Fest, April 13, • Cinco de Mayo and opening of Farmers <br />Market, May 5, • Wings Over Paris and Quilt Show, May 11. • an updated Chamber of Commerce Visitor's Guide <br />