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MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING <br />AIRPORT ADVISORY BOARD <br />THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 2019 <br />1. Call meeting to order. <br />Meeting called to order at 5:31 p.m. All members were present except for Jimmy Noble. <br />Also present were Jerry Richey and Brandi Richey from JR Aviation; staff members John <br />Godwin and Lance Nicholson; and council liaison Paula Portugal. <br />. <br />2. Approval o..f minutes o ...... f December 20, 2018 meeting. <br />Jim Bell moved for a letter from David Taylor to be attached to the minutes, Brad Myers <br />seconded; motion passed 6-0. Taylor moved acceptance of the minutes as corrected, Taylor <br />seconded; motion passed 6-0. <br />3. Election of Vice -President. <br />Taylor and Scott Avery were nominated. Avery was elected by a vote of 4-2. <br />4. iscussion regarding delinc uent hangar rentals. <br />Board reviewed and discussed the provided list. <br />Discussion re„ardinghangar leases. <br />Myers suggested only residents of Lamar County should be allowed to lease hangars. <br />Anna Spencer questioned why anyone who paid his/her rent should be excluded. Ray Ball <br />wanted to wait until next month's meeting to make decisions, after all of the hangars and <br />tenants have been reviewed. Bell suggested more hangars was the solution, but agreed a <br />preference should be given to Lamar County residents, most specifically residents who <br />actively fly. It was generally agreed to place an action item on the February agenda. It <br />was also agreed to replace the rent inflation clause that references a CPI with a flat annual <br />percentage rate increase. <br />6. Discussionmregardin ostedmJ otic r_guidelines. <br />After some discussion, it was agreed the staff would draft policies for posting at hangars <br />to be approved by a vote of the board at the February meeting. Placing information inside <br />the terminal was also discussed. <br />7. Discussion regarding market, rental rates. <br />Jerry Richey presented the results of a survey of hangar lease rates at other airports. After <br />discussion Bell moved to have staff bring specific rate recommendations to the board for <br />