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of the building such that the City can issue a certificate of occupancy must be completed within 5 <br />years of the purchase in order for the City to release said judgment. <br />Section 5. To evidence the City Council's preference that the Belford building be <br />rehabilitated and restored, should a purchaser restore the building to the point where a certificate <br />of occupancy can be issued within 5 years of the date of purchase, the City will, under its Chapter <br />380 economic development program, grant the purchaser a one-time incentive of $50,000.00 once <br />the certificate of occupancy has been issued. <br />Section 6. This resolution shall become effective from and after the date of passage. <br />PASSED AND APPROVED this 25th day of March, 2019. <br />SteveiJ>, lifford, M.D., Mayor <br />ATTEST:a= UWJ <br />m ec: lc <br />cn <br />to ice Ellis, City Clerk <br />APPROVED AS TO FORM: <br />*phaiie <br />StHarris, City Attorney <br />