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<br />THENCE North 840 51' 00" West a distance of 392.40 feet to a point; <br />THENCE North 060 04' 00" West a distance of 394.80 feet to a point; <br />THENCE South 880 29' 00" West a distance of 292.10 feet to a point; <br />THENCE North 000 25' 00" West a distance of 240.61 feet to the <br />PRINCIPAL POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 8.357 acres of land, more or <br />less. <br /> <br />TRACT NO.2 <br /> <br />SITU A TED about 5 miles North 250 East of the City of Paris, County of <br />Lamar, and State of Texas, a part of the John Wilson Survey #981, being a 62 <br />acre tract, a 25 acre tract, a 22.09 acre tract, and an 11.25 acre tract of land <br />conveyed to A. 1. Rosson by deed recorded in Volume 337, Page 7, a 9 acre tract <br />and a 12 acre tract of land conveyed Dorothy Rosson Baker, et al by deed <br />recorded in Volume 692, Page 467, Deed Records, Lamar County, Texas, and <br />also a 20.66 acre tract of land owned by Hester and sold to A. J. Rosson, and <br />being more particularly described as follows: <br />BEGINNING at an iron pin (s) for corner at the present southwest corner <br />of said 62 acre tract, said point being the present northwest corner of a 20 acre <br />tract of land conveyed the City of Paris by deed recorded in Volume 363, Page <br />588, of said Deed Records; <br />THENCE along the East Boundary Line of a county road as follows: <br />North 00 06' East a distance of 1663.3 feet to an iron pin (s); North 00 52' East <br />a distance of 545.3 feet to an iron pin (s) for corner at the southwest corner of <br />a 1 acre tract of land conveyed to Mt. Carmel Baptist Church by deed recorded <br />in Volume 408, Page 191, of said Deed Records, said 1 acre tract being conveyed <br />out of said 25 acre tract; <br />THENCE North 880 09' East along a fence a distance of 185.8 feet to an <br />iron pin (s) for corner at the southeast corner of said 1 acre tract; <br />THENCE North 00 16' East along a fence a distance of 211. 3 feet to an <br />iron pin (s) for corner at the northeast corner of said 1 acre tract; <br />THENCE South 850 52' West along a fence along the North Boundary <br />Line of said 1 acre tract a distance of 38.4 feet to an iron pin (s) for corner at the <br />southeast corner of a 0.25 acre Church tract as conveyed by deed recorded in <br />Volume 127, Page 165, of said Deed Records; <br />THENCE North 10 54' West along a fence a distance of 55.1 feet to an <br />iron pin (s) for corner at the northeast corner of said 0.25 acre tract, said point <br />being the southeast corner of another Church tract, said point being the most <br />southerly southwest corner of a 79 acre tract of land conveyed Mrs. Lucy Rosson <br />by deed recorded in Volume 227, Page 410, of said Deed Records; <br />THENCE along an old post line along the North Boundary Line of said <br />25 acre tract and said 22.09 acre tract as follows: North 890 28' East a distance <br />of 1693.2 feet to an iron pin (s); North 890 41' East a distance of 787.6 feet to <br />an iron pin (s) for corner in the South Boundary Line of an 87 acre tract <br />conveyed to A. J. Rosson by deed recorded in Volume 285, Page 83, of said <br />Deed Records, at the northeast corner of a 96.38 acre tract of land conveyed to <br />Mrs. Lucy Rosson by deed recorded in Volume 290, Page 38, of said Deed <br />Records; <br />THENCE along the East Boundary line of said 22.09, 20.66, 12, 11.25 <br />and 9 acre tracts and the West Boundary Line of said 96.38 acre tract as follows: <br />South 20 11' West a distance of 371.5 feet to an iron pin (s) at a fence corner and <br />Mn';n..;na ,v;th .,jti fp",,,,", follow,: South 1 0 37' West a distance of225.9 feet <br />