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PEDC" Board Meeting Minutes <br />March 19, 2019 <br />Page 2 of <br />placed dor the Request for dads on the asbestos abatement. The Payment ennt to Lamar National is the rruo thly <br />payment for the Southwest property. Mr. Hernandez pointed out some of the Marketing e peundit es were <br />related to American SpiralWeld. term Darns explained that the Love Civic Center was for the American <br />groundbreaking, the T EDC; was expense was for the Legislative Conference in Austin, the credit to us frown. <br />.ed Enver Valley.A.ssocnatnouu was a refund because we could not attend the annual meeting, and the last item <br />was the balance owed to urns darty for setting up the groundbreaking at Love Civic Center. lira Hernandez <br />pointed out that the sales t we collected in February was $150,000.00, which was above our average <br />expected $120,000°00. lire I ashmn made a motion to accept the February financials. lyse Bills seconded the <br />motion. Vote was 4 ayes to 0 nays. <br />DkgHss ME ose aom uurmm. ies aid thu° ats eetl wmtb �°ea �cono le . eve10 eHt eRtl1les aid <br />how to 2S22d4 <br />Mr. Paris stated Dr. Hash asked that we discuss pros and cogs of working with other IEDss Dr. Hashunan <br />started the conversation with saying that we would like the opporturrities to stay in Texas rather than outside <br />the state. If opportunities come up right outside Lamar County, we should work with the other EDC since it <br />would benefit urns economically. His suggestion is to meet with other EDCs to form a joint taskforce to <br />bring more business to the area. At themoment tied River County has some prospects and of they decide on <br />Red River County; we in Paris would benefit by more people doing business in ]Paris and d buying homes in <br />Paris. We would hike to :keep the prospects in our area. We would like to conduct a joint session to explore <br />this idea with other lE Cs4 Mr. urns said that when he attends TEAM Texas events and Oncor events the <br />group goes out and markets as one entity. The leads received by tine group are shared, but it is very highly <br />competitive between E C;s in the area. lir. Paris asked of another EDC asked for help with a prospect do we <br />see barns EDC helping with the recruiting effort. We could receive criticism if any of the IPEDCs tax dollars <br />were spent outside of Paris. Dr. Hashmi said in a joint session we should only discuss projects that we <br />definitely know are not coining to Paris. Mr. Pans asked about how we would communicate with another <br />local connnunity and how would they.partici.pate with us in our prospect activity. Dr. Hashrnn answered that <br />the first thing would be that we want them inParis. Mr.Paris asked if Reno could help with infrastructure for <br />our airport, would that be something to loop at, :lir" Mas nnrun stated we would need to loop at whether we <br />could legally do. iso Harris stated she thought that what was asked would be limited, because the time and <br />staff resources would be tax expenses. Cir° :Hashrffnn suggested Promoting :EDC;s in the area with a regional <br />marketing ad. Ms. Bills said she agrees with regional marketing w ranch makes all the entities look better. It <br />can be a tricky issue between the IEDCs. Mr. Hernandez dez quuestiorned if it is legal. Mr. Hamill said it is a good <br />idea, power in nu mberso r4 Hernandez thanked ern Hashmi for the discussion. <br />erle� .nlral eld 1Pl tp7 data <br />Construction begins; :Initial $1,500,000 paid. American requested the payment be <br />made. It was delivered to them on Monday. <br />$1,000,000 Loam from Paris, "Texas banks. <br />0 $500,000 from designated reserves. <br />,Asbestos Abatement Begins. On Monday morning the abatement, ent started at the old <br />Superior Switch property® Whale Environmental was chosen to abate the asbestos. The <br />timeline to have the asbestos reau°noved is about two weeks. GHD Services and Farmers <br />Environmental are at the site twice a week checking on. the work being donne. <br />Rail Inas begun developing scope of work., cost budgets and negotiating agreement. <br />0 Ile uuest for finds on the PETE C; portion to course out to public soon. The portion <br />is on 1.0 Street due West. <br />