<br />b. For all programs, other than thoSl administered by the Assistanl
<br />Secrelary tor Communily Planning and Development:
<br />For projects receiving a tax credit und.r Federal, Stat., or local law,
<br />any change in a sourc. of funds that was previously disclosed.
<br />For all other proj8C1S, any change in a sourc. otfunds that exceeds
<br />lne lower of:
<br />The amount previously disclosed for that source of funds by
<br />$250,000, or by' 0 percent of the amount previously disclosed for that
<br />source, whichever is bwer; or
<br />The amount previously disclosed for all sources of funds by
<br />$250,000, or by '0 percent of the amoun1 previously disclosed tor all
<br />sOlJl'ces of funds, whichever is lower.
<br />c. For all programs, 01h,r than those administered by the Assistant
<br />Secretary tor Community Planning and Development:
<br />Forprcjects recliving a tax cred~ under Federal, Stat., or local law,
<br />any change in a use of funds tha1 was previously disclosed.
<br />For all other projeCls, any change in a use of funds that exceeds the
<br />bwerof:
<br />The amount previously disclosed for 1hat use of funds by
<br />$250,000, or by '0 percent of the amoun1 previously disck)$&d for Ihat
<br />t:se, whichever is lower; or
<br />The amount previously disclosed for all uns of funds by
<br />S250,OOO, or by 10 percent of the amount previously disclosed for all
<br />uses of funds. whichever is lower.
<br />Nole: Updale ropons must bo submitted whhin 30 days of the change
<br />requiring the update. The requirement to provide update reports only
<br />applies if the application for the underlying assistance was submined
<br />on or ahllthe effeetive dale of Subpan e.
<br />II. llne-by.llnl Insl,uc1lons.
<br />A. Part I. AppllcanVRlclpllnllnlo,matlon.
<br />All applicants 10' HUO assiS1lnce spocifi~ In S8c1ion l.e.1 .L, above,
<br />as WIU as all recipients required to submit an update repor1 under
<br />Section 1.0., aboY., must complete the information required by Part I.
<br />The applanttrec:ipient must indicat. whether the disclosure is an
<br />ini:ial or an update rapon. Line-by-line guidance for Pan I follows:
<br />,. Entllthe IuD name, address, c~y, Sta18, zip code, and telephone
<br />number (including area c::ode) of the applicanVrecipient. Where the
<br />applicant/recipient is an individual. the last name, first name, and
<br />middle inhial must be entlled. Entry of the applicanVrocipienl's SSN
<br />or EIN, as appropriate, is optional.
<br />2. Applicants enter the name and full address of the projec1 or adivny
<br />lor which the HUD assistanca is sought. Reeipi.nts enl.r the name
<br />and full address of the HUD-assisted project or aaivity to whch the
<br />u.:;dat. repon r.lates. The most appropriate government identifying
<br />number must be used (e.g., RFP No.; IFB No.; grant announcement
<br />No.; or contract, grant, or loan No.) Include prefixes.
<br />3. Applicants describe the HUe assistanc. referred to in Section
<br />1.e.l.a that is being r.quest.d. Recipients describe the HUD assis.
<br />ta~ce to which the upclate report relat.s.
<br />.l. Applicants enler the HUe program name under which th. ass is.
<br />lance is being requesled. Recipients enter the HUO program name
<br />ur,der which the assislanc., that relates to the update repon, was
<br />provided..
<br />5. Applicants Inter 1he amount of HUD assistanc. thai is being
<br />requesled. Recipients emle' the amount of HUD assistance that has
<br />bun provided and 10 wheh the update repon relates. The amounts
<br />are those stated in the application or award documentatkm. NOTE: In
<br />the case of assistance that is provided pursuant 10 contrac1 over a
<br />p&riod of time (SUCh as projed.based assistance under secticn a orthe
<br />Un~.d States Housing Ad of 1937). the amount of auistane.10 be re-
<br />pened includes all amounts that arelo be provided over the1erm ofth.
<br />comract, iuespeCl;ve of when Ihey are to be recerved.
<br />
<br />Note: In the case of Mortgage Insurance under 24 CFR Subtitle B,
<br />Chapter II, Ihe mortgagor is responsible for making 1he applant
<br />disclosures, and the mortgagee is responsibl. for furnishing 11'1.
<br />mongagor's disclosures 10 the Departm.nt Updal' repons must be
<br />submitted dir8c11y '0 HUO by the mongagor.
<br />Note: In the case of 1he Project.Based eertHa.te program under 24
<br />CFR Part 882, Subpart G, the owner is responsible for making Ihe
<br />applieanf"dis.,flosures, and the PHA is responsible for furnishing the
<br />own.r's disclosures to HUD. Update reports must be submined
<br />through the PHA by 'he owner.
<br />B. Plrt Il Th,uhold Oltermlnatlona _ Appllcantl Only
<br />Pan llcontains informal ion to help the applicanl dOlo,mine whethorthe
<br />remainder of 1he form must be completed. ~.clpl.nt. filing Update
<br />R.porta shOUld not compl.te this Part.
<br />1. The first question asks whether the applant meets the Nature of
<br />Assistance and Dollar Threshokj requiremen1s set fonh in StClion
<br />I.C.'. above.
<br />tf the answer is Yes, the applicant must compl.te the remainder of the
<br />form. tithe answer is No, the form asks the applicanllo certify that its
<br />rosponu is corred, and to complete the next question.
<br />2. The second question asks wh.ther the application is for a speciftc
<br />housing project that involves other government assistance, as de-
<br />scribed in Sedion I.C.2. above,
<br />tf the answer is Ves, the applicant mus1 complete the remainder of th.
<br />form. If the answer is No, the form asks the 8.pj)rlC8nt 10 certify that its
<br />response is correct.
<br />If the answer 10 both questions1 and 2 is No, the applicant n.ed not
<br />complete Pans III. IV, or V of the "pon. but must sign the cenWicalion
<br />at the end of 'he form.
<br />C_ Part III. Other Government A..'atance.
<br />This Pan is 10 bo completed by both applicants filing apprlCant
<br />disclosure ..pons and recipients filing update ropons. Applicants
<br />must repon any other government assistance involved in the project
<br />or activity for which assis1ance is sought. Aecir>ients must report any
<br />other governmem assistance involv~ in the project or ad;vity, 10 Ih,
<br />extent required under Section 1.0.1.. 2., or 3., above.
<br />Other government assistance is defin.d in not. 5 onth,lasl pag.. For
<br />purposes of this definition, olher government assistance is expec.1ed
<br />10 be made available if; based on an assessment of all the circum-
<br />stancls involved, there is reasonable grounds 10 anticipate that the
<br />assistanee will be forthcoming.
<br />Both applicant and recipient disclosures must include allot her govern-
<br />mint assistance involved with 1h, HUD asststance, 8S well as any
<br />other government assis1ance that was made available before the
<br />request. but Ihat has continuing vila lily at th. Hme of the request.
<br />Examples of this laner category include tax credils that provtde for a
<br />number of years of 1ax benefits, and grant assi$tance that continues
<br />to benefh the projed at the 1ime of the assistance requHt.
<br />The toUowing information mus1 b. provid&d:
<br />,. Enter ihe name and addr.ss, city, Stal., and Zip code of the
<br />government agency making the assistance available. Include at least
<br />on. organizational level below the agency name. For Ixample, U.S.
<br />Oepanment of Transponalion. U.S. CoaS1 Guard: Oepanment of
<br />Safety. Highway Patrol.
<br />2. Enter tho program name and any "Ievanl identffying numbors. 0'
<br />other means of identiHcation, tor the other government assistanc..
<br />3. Slate the type of 01her povernment assistance (I.g., loan, grant,
<br />loan insuranc.).
<br />4. Enter the donar amoun1 of the ather government assislance that is,
<br />or is expected 10 be, made availabl. with resped to the project or
<br />Ictivities for which lhe HUD assistance is sought (applicants) or has
<br />be.n provided (recipi.nts).
<br />
<br />Pape5of7
<br />
<br />form HUD-2aa.O
<br />