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REGULAR MEETING <br />CITY OF PARIS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION <br />CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS <br />107 EAST KAUFMAN <br />PARIS TEXAS <br />WEDNESDAY MAY 8 2019 <br />4:00 P.M. <br />Cr]YZENS NEEDING SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS DUE TO DISABM,1= <br />SHOULD GIVENOTICE TO THE =FORTY --EIGHT (48) HOURSINADVAArCEBY <br />CALLING (903) 784-9234 OR (903) 7846688. <br />A G E N D A <br />1. Call meeting to order -Chairman <br />2. Approval of minutes from previous meeting (April 10) —Chairman <br />3. Discussion and possible action on the following Certificates of Appropriateness: <br />a. 240 Bonham St- Facade rehabilitation, Carl Harcrow <br />b. 833 Church Street- Rehabilitation project Randy Hider <br />4. Discussion and possible action on a fagade grant request for $2500.00. <br />a. 240 Bonham St -Carl Harcrow <br />5. ---CONSENT AGENDA <br />[Items appearing on this consent agenda may be approved by a single vote of the <br />Commission, with such approval applicable to all items appearing on said agenda. If any <br />Commission member desires to discuss and consider separately any item appearing on the <br />consent agenda, that Commission member may do so by requesting that the item be <br />removed from the consent agenda and considered as a separate item.] <br />Discussion and possible action regarding the following structures considered by code <br />inspectors to be in violation of Article III of Chapter 7 of the Code of Ordinances of the City <br />of Paris, Paris, Texas, entitled "Substandard and Dangerous Buildings and Structures," to <br />determine whether such buildinvs or structures can be rehabilitated and designated on the <br />National Register of Historic Places as a recorded Texas Historic Landmark or as historic <br />property as desi rated bV the City Council of the Cite of Paris <br />A. 1330 SE 8a' <br />B. 3200 Clarksville (3 trailer houses) <br />