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<br />.,,.. . ~ . - ~. <br />l I. <br />i!. ~.. <br /> <br />Various <br /> <br />(\ <br /> <br />(\ <br /> <br />TEXAS lRANS~ORTATION COMMISS~~n <br /> <br />, <br />j County <br />No.' arious <br />l <br /> <br />'I WHEREAS, the Intermodal Surface Tran~~ortat1on Eff1ciency Act <br />.of 1991 (ISTEA) was s1gned into law 1n December, 1991 and s1gn1f1cantly <br />irestrllctured the programs to Ilt i11;ze IlV8.i 1!I.b l'e funds; and <br /> <br />I WHEREAS, '~he ISTEA also s1sn1ficantly increased the role and <br />[involvement of the Metropolitan Plann1ng Organizations (MPOs) in the <br />iprogramming and development of transportat1on projects; and <br /> <br />MINUTE. ORDER <br /> <br />f>age <br /> <br />1 of <br /> <br />5 <br /> <br />Pages <br /> <br />District <br /> <br />WHEREAS, projects are subject to appnoval/concurrence of the <br />MPO, where applicable; and <br />, <br /> <br />WHEREAS, projects falling w1th1n an area of non~atta1nment Of <br />all" quality :>tllndllrds, are subject to analys1js to determ1ne conformance <br />with air quality atta1nment gu1de11nes; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS. Minute Order 101106 dated June 24, 1992 outl1ned the <br />three phases for mob1l1ty project authorization for the 1993 <br />Trans1t10nal Project Development Plan (POP) and approved Phase I: and <br /> <br />I WHEREAS. the structure of the var10us categor1es of work, <br />linCluding the descr1ption, tne restr1ctions. ,tM methOd Of allocat10n <br />and policy was approved as Shown in Exhibit A to Minute Order 101106: <br />and . <br /> <br />EXHIBIT C <br />