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<br />DEFINITIONS <br /> <br />Hospital. An approveo or accredited puclie or nanproHt institution provloing puclie health servIces Primarily for Inoatient medical <br />Jr surgical care oj the SICK ana Inlurea. lnclulding related facuities suen as laooratones. outpatient deoanment. training faCilities. <br />ana staff offices. <br /> <br />'Library. A pUOlic or nonprofit faCIlity providing library services tree to all reSidents of a community. CIStrlCt, State or region. <br /> <br />Licensed. Recognition and aoproval by the appropnate Slate or local aumonty approving institutions or orograms In speclaliz- <br />eo areas, LicenSing generally rel?'eS to established minimum public standards of satety, sanitation, statfing, and equipment <br />as may relate to the construction 1amtenance, and operaLon of a health or educational faCility, raIner man 10 the academiC. <br />'nstructlon. or eaucatlonal or PUL..JC health orograms suer. as occupatIOnal training, phYSical or mental heanh rehabilitation <br />servIces. or nursing care. Licenses frequently must be renewed at penoaic Intervals. <br /> <br />Local Government _ A government. or administration Cj a locality. Within a State or a possession ot the United Slates. <br /> <br />Medical InsIitutlon . An approved, acc,edited, or Iicen,d pUblic or nonorotit institution. facliity, entlN. or organization the <br />:mmary function ot Wnlctl is the furmsnmg of puolic health and medical servIces to the PUblic at large or oromotlng puolic <br />health through the conduct or research for any SUCh purposes. expenments. training, or aemonstratlons relateD to cause. preven- <br />tion. ana methOdS of diagnOSIs and treatment of diseases and injuries. The term includes but IS not limned to hOSpitals. clinics. <br />alconollc ana drug aouse treatment centers. pUblic health or treatment centers. research and health centers. genafnc centers. <br />laboratones. medical SChools. dental scnools. nursing SChOOlS. and similar Institutions. The term ooes not InClude Institutions <br />DnmarllV engaged in domiciliary care although a separate medical faCility within such as domiciliary institutIon may qualify <br />as a' meOlcal InstitUtiOn." <br /> <br />Museum _ A pubhc or DrlVate nonorotlt Instltutlon wnlcn IS organlzea on a oermanent baSIS essentlallv for eaucatlonal or esthetic <br />:urooses ana Wnlcn. uSing a prOfeSSional start. owns or uses tanglOle OOlects. wnether animate or inanimate: cares tor tnese <br />oo!ects: ana eXhibits tnem to the puOtlC on a regUlar oasIs either tree or at a nominal Charge. p"g used In the DonatIon Program. <br />'.he term "museum" includes. but IS not l1mltea to. tne followmg inStitutions If they satisfy all other prOVISIons ot FPMR 101-44.207: <br />.::.Quarlums ana ZOOlogical parKS: bOtanical gardens ana aooretums: museums relating to an. history. natural hIstory. sCience. <br />3nd tecnnology: ana olanetarlums. For the purposes of this program. an Institution uses a profeSSional statf If It emplOYS full <br />::me at least one qualified staff memoer WhO devotes hIS or ner time Orlmamy 10 the acaUIsltlOn. care. or puellC eXOIbition OT <br />COlects owned or useO by the Institution. This definltlon of museum ooes not Include any institutIon which eXnlbits oblectS to <br />the pucllC If the display or use of the OOlects 15 OnlY incidental to the primary function of the institution. For example. an Instltu- <br />lion wnlch is engaged primarily in the sale of antiQues. oblets d' art. or other amfacts and which InCidentally prOVides displays <br />to the public of animate or Inanimate Objects. either free or at a nommal charge. does not qualify as a museum. <br /> <br />Nonprofit Tax..Exempt Activity .. An institution or organization, no pan of the net earnmgs of which inures or may lawfully <br />Inure to the benefit of any prlVaIe shareholder or Individual. and which has been held to be tax exempt unaer the provIsions <br />of section 501 ot the Interanl Revenue Code of 1954, <br /> <br />Program for Older Individuals. Any State or local government agency or any nonprofit, tax-exempt activity which receives <br />funas aoproprlated for programs for older Individuals under the Older Americans ACI ot 1965. as amended. under tlUe IV or <br />!ltle XX ot the SOCIal Security Act. or under titles VIII and X of Ihe Economic OpportUnity Act of 1964 and the Communlly Ser- <br />vices Block. Grant Act. <br /> <br />Provider of Assiatance to Homeless Individuals. A public or a nonprofit. tax-exempt inSIIIution or organlzalJon that ooerates <br />a orogram wnlch prOVides assistance such as food. shelter. or other services to homeless Individuais. as defined above. Pro- <br />peny acqUired through the donation program by such inSIIIuIlons or organlzaIlons musI be used exclUSively In their programlsl <br />for prOViding assistance to homeiess Individuals. <br /> <br />Public Health In~tltutlon _ An approved. accredited. or licensed public or nonprofit institution, faCility, entity. or organlzaIlon <br />conouctlng a public health program or program such as hospital. clinic. health center. or medical institution. Including research <br />lor any such program, the services of which are available 10 the pubiic at large, <br /> <br />School (except schools for Ihe mentally reIarded and schoois for the physically handicapped) . A Duohc or nonorofit aD- <br />provea or accreolted organizatiOnal entity devoted primarilY to approved academiC. vOCatiOnal, or prOfeSSIonal stuay and In- <br />structlon which operates primarily for educational purposes on a full-time basis for a minimum school year and employs a <br />full.lime staft of qualified instructors. <br /> <br />School for the Mentally Retarded _ A facility or insIltution operaIed orimarily 10 provide specialized instruction to sIudents <br />of limited menIal capacity. It must be public or nonprofiI and must operate on a full.Iime basis for Ihe equivalent of a minimum <br />schOOl year preSCribed for public school instruction of the mentally retarded. have a staff of qualified instructors. and demonstrate <br />that the tacility meets the health ana safety stanaaras at tne State or local govermental body. <br /> <br />School for Ihe Physically Handicapped _ A school organized primarily to provide speclaiized instruction to students whose <br />pnyslcal handicaps necesslIaIe IndiVidual or group InstrUCtion, The scnools musI be public or nonprofit and ooerate on a full. <br />lime oasIs for the eqUivalent of a minimum school year preSCribed for public SChooi Instruction tor the phYSically handicapped. <br />have a sIaft of qualified instructors. and demonstraIe thaIIhe facility meets the healIh and safety sIandaros of the Slate or <br />local governmenIal body. <br /> <br />Univenlity . A public or nonprofit approved or accrediIed institution for Instruction and stUdy in the higher branches of learning <br />and empowered to confer In specIal depanmenIs or colleges. <br /> <br />~1M4' <br />