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<br />DEFINITIONS <br /> <br />APPROVED _ Recognition ana approval cv the Slate oecanment at eaucatlon. State aecanment ot nealm. or Clner aooroDnate <br />a.utnomv woere no reccgntzea accrealling coara. aSSOCiation. or Clner aumanN eXIsts TOr me ourcose aT maKing an accrealta. <br />:Ion. Rlr an eaucatlonaJ InstItUtIon or an educauon3.1 orogram. approval muSt relate to acaaemlc or Instructional stanuaras <br />--:staOlIsnea by me aoproonate authority. An eaucatlonat Institution or program may 09 consloerea aoprovea If its InSUUC:lon <br />.no creolts tnerelor are aceemea by tnree accreortea or StaltHoproved instlIUIlons. or If iI ml!i!IS tne acaoemlc cr InStruction <br />stanaaros orescnoeo tor cuche senODIS In the state: I.B.. the organizational entity or program IS aevatea PrlmarllV to aoprov80 <br />acacemlc. '/ocauonal (inClueing tecnmca1 or or profeSSional StUCV and instruction Wnlcn acerates onmanlv for <br />,oueatlonal purooses on a full-time OasiS for a minimum senocl year as preserloea by tne Stale ano emolovs a IUII.llme <br />01 ouanlleo Instructcrs. For a puelic ne81Ih InstrtulJon cr program. approval must relale Ie me mealeal recUlrements ano, In- <br />cares TOr me prmesslonas ana teer""caJ services at the instItution estaDllsnea by tnB approonate autnornv. A heaun Instltutlon <br />cr orogram may De conslC8AlCl as approvea wilen a SlallI Dcdy haYl/lg autl10nty unoer law 10 estaClisn stanoarcs ano nlOUuamems <br />lor auelle nBaJth InStitUtiOns renOar..s aoproval thereto wneU1er oy accreaitation oroceaures or OV licenSing ar suen emsr mMnoa <br />preserlOea by State law. In the apsence of an official Stale approving autnOrllV tor a pUOlle Mann Instltutlcn cr crcgram or <br />eaucauonat Instnutlon or cmgram. the awaraing at researcn grants to the Institution or organizatiOn OVa reccgnlZ80 authority <br />suen as tnB Nauonallnsntute of Healtn. the National Institute at Education. or oy Similar nauonal aaVI$orv counclis or organlza. <br />;\0"5 may constduta approva1 of the ,"smullon or - -- '"ram provldec1 all otner crnena are met. <br /> <br />A.ccreaited .. Aoprovea by a recognized accreoltm ;rd or assocatlon. at a regional. state or nauonallevel suen as a State <br />::loam ot eaucatlon or hearth: the Amencan HOSDltaI NsOClatlOn: a regional or national accrealtlng aSSOCiation for umversltles. <br />-:olleges. or seconaary scnoots: or anCltnei recognizee accreDiting aSSOCiation. <br /> <br />.:..dutt Dav Care .. ~ orogram of services crOVlaea unDer nealtn leaaersnlo In an amOulatorv care senlnq tor.acults wno 00 <br />-Ot reOUlre 24 hour Institutional care ana vet. oue to onVSlcaJ anOlor mental ImOalrment. are not caoaCle OT lull-time Inaeoen- <br />:ent living. ?amclcants In the aav care orogram are rf!ferreo to me orogram cy Inelr anenamq pnVS1Clan or C" some omer <br />;,ocroonatB sauce sue" an an institutional dlscnaI'Q8 planning program. a weltare agencY. etc. The essential elementS or a <br />:av care orogram ars alfect80 toware meeting thS nSalth maintenance ana restorauve n&eOS of pamclcants. riowtlWll'. tnere <br />are SOCializatiOn elements In tne crogram wnlcn. OV overcoming the isolatiOn so otten assOClatea with lUness In thS aged ana <br />:lsaolsa. are conslDereo Vital for tne purcose of foStenng ana mamtalnlng the maximum 00551018 state or healtn ana well-beIng. <br /> <br />Chlld Care canter.. A cuche or nonproTlt facIlity wnere educational. SOCial. health. ana nutntlonal services are cRMded to <br />cmldren Inrougn age 14 cr as presenbea Dy Stale law. ana wnlcn IS approved or llcanseo by tne Stale or olner apPlOlln8Ie <br />autnontv as a cnlld day care center or cnild care center. <br /> <br />Clinic. An apprcvea puDlic or noneroflt facility organlZ8d and operaIed for Ins pnmary purpose of provlOlng OUlOaII8I1l public <br />oealIh seMC8S. Incluaing CUSlDmary relatea seMcn auch as laDCr8IOnea ana lraaun&m rcems. <br /> <br />Collega _ An approved or accredited puDUe cr nonprofit inS1JlUIIOn cf nignsr leamlng oHerlng orgamzec stuoy courses ano <br />creallS leaalng to a DaccaJauralll8 or nlgner aegree. <br /> <br />Economic OevekJpment. A OrograrrtCs) earned out or cremoted bv a puoHe agency for cuche purcoses wnlch InvotYeS. direct. <br />, or inDirectlY. effortS to ImpC'0Y8 ,ne ODPDnUnltleS Of a given areator tns successrut eSlaDhshment or exoanslon 01 industnal. <br />:ommerclal. or agncultural PlantS or facdties ana wnlcn OU'1elWlH asslStS In tne creano" of long term emPlovment opportUnitieS <br />n tl"1s area or cnmanty beI~ib tMe unemOloyed or tnose with low Incomes. For puohe agency use may not ael as a conoun <br />'or tne transter or proPertY. <br /> <br />EducatlonallnaUlutlan . An approvea. accrealted. cr licensed puohe cr nonprofit InStlIUtlOn. facility. enlllY. cr crganlZlWOn <br />::onoucung e<l1JClIIIllMl progr8IIlS InclUOtng rnun:n 1Cr any sucn programs. sucn as a child care cemer. senCCl. COIlegtt.lUlIWllIIlV. <br />sencel for tne mematly _ed. scncel lcr the pnysu:aJly handll:appea. cr an eaucatlon81 raolCllelevlslon _. <br /> <br />Educatlona' Radio Station _ A (aOIO station IIcenseo bv tl"1e Federal Communications C,Jmmlsslon ana ocerateo exctuslvelv <br />!or noncommencal e<1ucanonal purposes ana wnlch IS puolic or nonprofit ana tax..exemOt unaer section 501 or tnB tnternal <br />Revenue Coda of 1954. <br /> <br />EducaUon Talevialon Slatlon . A lei_alan S18IlOn licensed by Ine Federal Communications CommiSSion ana o~ ex- <br />clusIVelY lor noncommancal educallon81 purposaa and wIIiclI is public or nonprofit ana taX-exempt unoer secuon 501 of Ine <br />I ntemal Revenue COde of 1954. <br /> <br />Heallh Center. "'n aopnMlO puollc or nonorcflt faclllty UIlllzea ey a nealIn unrt for tne proviSion of cuDlle h.81th S8MCes. <br />'neluolng relalaCl taediliaa SUCh as olagnostlc ana labonIIDrY faCIlities ana clinicS. <br /> <br />Homala.. Indlvldual. An individual wno lacks a fixed. regular and adeauate nlghtlime reSidence or wno has a cnmlllY n.gnl- <br />:Ime reSidence Inalls: (1) a SUpeMaeG pueliely or pl1Y8l8ly openWIO aII.'UIl' aeugnea 10 pl'O\lld. IemocralV liVIng a....omoaa. <br />:Ions I Including ~are nOllllL congregate shallars. and tranarlional nOUSlng fDr the memally ill): (2) an Inst_thaI pnMdes <br />a IemocralV r8lldence lor lnaivlduala lIlI.naed 10 be InsutulJonaliZeCl: or (3) a puelic or pnv1118 plaCll oesl9neo tor. or ortltnanly <br />"sed as. a ragwar s--.J KCOIlIOCIaIian for human betngL For puroceM at \his raguIaIIan. the I8fTl1 aoes IlOlIrlClUde any <br />,naiYldual i",..._NIlI or _lIlI_ _ned p~ ID an N:t of tne eongraa or a 511II8 laW. <br /> <br />),1.11 .... <br />