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Jason Vickers states he is looking to open a business at 118 Lamar Ave. with business <br />hours closing at 7 p.m. Vickers advised he and one other person would staff the tattoo <br />studio. They work by appointment only with one or two clients per day. He is currently <br />located at 2620 Lamar Ave. and now looking to move into this location. He states he holds <br />a high business standard. There is no front street parking at this location and no one would <br />be hanging out. <br />Paula Portugal, 2020 NE 38th Street, states she wants to stress that the city is getting ready <br />to spend millions of dollars over the next ten years on renovating our downtown and the <br />vision of the staff for downtown does not fit with Mr. Vickers business. She states we need <br />to be choosy on what goes into downtown that will attract tourist dollars. Portugal is <br />opposed to this petition. <br />Kari Daniel states she works and lives across the street from where Mr. Vickers wants to <br />put his new business. She states Vickers is making improvements to the building and she <br />is in favor of petition. <br />Candra Wyatt spoke in favor of the petition, stating that she will be working alongside of <br />Vickers and she has been involved in the recent Grand Theatre renovation. Wyatt states <br />that art is very important and they are artist trying to make a living. She understands that <br />tattooing has a bad name but they have no means of continuing that stigma. <br />Public hearing declared closed. <br />Godwin explained the zoning ordinance requirement for a Specific Use Permit. <br />Motion was made by John Lee, seconded by Keith Flowers to approve the Specific Use <br />Permit for a tattoo studio. Motion carried 6-0. <br />4. Public hearing to consider and take action regarding the petition of Adam Bolton for a <br />change in zoning from an Agricultural District (A) to a Multiple -Family Dwelling District <br />(MF -2), in the Newberry Addition CB 167, Block A, Lot 1, being located at 2805 SE 3rd <br />Street. <br />Godwin states the request is for MF -2, which means you can put multi -story apartments <br />there but that is not what the applicants want to build. In the process, what they applied for <br />