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Paris—Lamar County Health District <br />400 West Sherman Street, Paris, Texas 75460-5646 <br />Health District: (903) 785-4561 <br />� Women, Infant and Children <br />�lax: (903) 737-0978 <br />� + r rrjoawI,f� IuPY,CaC,. <br />Minutes of Regular Meeting <br />Paris - Lamar County Board of Health <br />The Paris - Lamar County Board of Health held a regular meeting at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, March 18th, 2019. <br />Board members in attendance were Mr. Bill Collins, Dr. Jay Carpenter, Dr. Eric Salzman, Dr. Marc White, and Mrs. Connie Stauter. <br />Also in attendance were Mrs. Gina Prestridge and Ms. Cheryl King. Not in attendance were Mrs. Nancy Stallings and Dr. Ross <br />Williams. <br />Mr. Collins called the meeting to order in open session at 5:30 p.m. <br />Dr. Salzman made the motion to approve minutes from prior meeting and was seconded by Dr. Carpenter. <br />Motion carried, 5 ayes, 0 nays. <br />Britney Martin, CPA, with McClanahan and Holmes, LLP, presented the Annual Financial Report. Page 1 = Independent Auditors' <br />Report with the Opinion Section listed at the bottom, Page 3 = Balance Sheet, Page 4 = Income Statement, Page 12 = Report on <br />Compliance for each Major Federal Program and Internal Control Over Compliance, Page 14 = Immunization and WIC with 2 <br />findings listed, but very normal for business this size, Page 15 = Normal Finding — no issue, Page 16 = Actual Compliance Finding — <br />money spent correctly, but finding for missing form that may or may not have gotten scanned or completed, Page 17 = Finding <br />Recommendations, Page 18 = Corrective Action Plan, Page 20 = List of Grants Received and Expenditures. Also the <br />Communication with Those Charged with Governance Report was presented to the board with a letter to the board to explain if any <br />issues and the last two pages show adjustments made by Auditors. <br />Mrs. Prestridge presented the board with a "clarification only" to the Vacation rate of pay in the personnel and policies to say upon <br />termination, employees in good standing with more than 1 year of continuous employment will be paid for any unused vacation <br />hours AT THEIR CURRENT RATE OF PAY. <br />Mr. Collins signed the Public Information Requests for Gene Anderson's Public Information Request for a list of the names of all <br />food trucks inspected by the Health Department. <br />Ms. Prestridge advised the board on the following monthly report(s): <br />• January reports — <br />o WIC served 1,148 clients and 120 drive thru clients <br />o Health Department served 528 clinical clients <br />o Issued 17 restaurant permits and 1 complaints <br />o Issued 5 septic permits and 1 complaint <br />o Reported 0 rabies cases. <br />• February reports — <br />o WIC served 1,183 clients and 93 drive thru clients <br />o Health Department served 489 clinical clients <br />o Issued 21 restaurant permits and 0 complaints <br />o Issued 5 septic permits and 0 complaint <br />G. <br />o Reported 0 rabies cases. <br />• Total liability and equity is approximately $1,516,000. <br />The next regular meeting will be on or before April 15th, 2019, at 5:30 p.m. at the Pans -Lamar County Health District. <br />Business to be discussed and possibly action taken on at next meeting: Two vacant board member positions. <br />