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PEDC Board Meeting Minutes <br />April 16, 2019 <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />abatement and their Phase II work. Lamar National Bank is the loan payment for the SW Business Park. In <br />Miscellaneous there is a Capital One expense for $75.00, this is the yearly fee for the use of the credit card. <br />Marketing expense shows two $1,000.00 payments which are for the video that I Am Broadway and LMAO <br />Comedy are producing for the PEDC. Also in Marketing is the Capital One expense, about $1600.00 of the <br />expense was for Lamar County Days. The Auditing expense for $8,600.00 is the yearly financial audit <br />completed by McClanahan and Holmes. Dr. Hashmi asked about the Lamar County credit card payment and <br />if it was included in the Lamar County Days expenses. Mr. Paris answered that the Lamar County Days <br />expenses are included is the category of Marketing. Dr. Hashmi asked for the financials for a few months <br />back to check whether any expenses were processed twice. Mr. Manning asked if there were any other <br />questions on the financials. Dr. Hashrni made a motion to approve the March financials. Ms. Bills seconded <br />the motion. Vote was 3 -ayes to 0 -nays. <br />Discuss namin the Southwest Business Park, <br />Mr. Paris stated that this item was for discussion only. This gives the Board time to think about the <br />recommendation of naming the 150 acres in the Southwest Business Park. Mr. Paris said he would like to <br />suggest the name "Coach Gene Stallings Business Park". Coach Stallings has done so much for this <br />community; he was a part of American SprialWeld and J. Skinner coming to Paris; he has assisted in <br />numerous economic development activities; and he has always promoted Paris, Texas. Dr. Hashmi <br />commented that it is a great idea; however, if someone would donate to the business park for naming rights <br />that would be good. He also wants the City Council involved in the naming process. Mr. Paris stated that the <br />PEDC owns the business park. Mr. Manning said it would be a good choice since Coach Stallings has been <br />very instrumental in Paris. Ms. Bills stated that he has been involved in so many great things in Paris and <br />Lamar County. <br />Discuss and . ossibly a121drove renamin Road in NW Business Park to John Ewan Street. <br />Mr. Paris was asked by Pat Hook, VP for American SpiralWeld, about renaming the street in the NW <br />Business Park to J. Eagan Street. The street isn't City owned property, so we can decide what to name it. Mr. <br />Godwin, City Manager, stated it is basically a driveway or private road. Mr. Manning thought it was a good <br />idea. Dr. Hashmi stated that he believes that the City Council should be involved. Mr. Paris stated that the <br />PEDC by-laws are clear to our responsibilities and City Council's responsibilities; and when it comes to <br />naming a driveway the PEDC can make the decision. Mr. Manning made a motion to approve the renaming <br />of the street to J. Eagan Street. Ms. Bills seconded the motion. Mr. Manning asked for a vote. Dr. Hashmi <br />said he could not make up his mind and asked about tabling the item for later in the meeting. Ms. Portugal <br />and Mr. Trenado, City Councilors and PEDC Council Liaisons, spoke to say that the values for Mr. Eagan <br />and the company he founded are certainly a great reason to name the street after him. Dr. Hashmi stated that <br />he would not object, since the Council Liaisons are for it. Mr. Manning made a motion to approve naming <br />the street J. Eagan Street. Ms. Bills seconded the motion. Vote was 3 -ayes to 0 -nays. <br />American S RiralWeld Pi )e U)date: <br />Asbestos Abatement Complete. The asbestos has been removed from the Superior <br />building. <br />Preparing for Demolition RFB. The next step is the demolition of the building and we are <br />preparing the Request for Bids. GHD Services is writing the Scope of Work for us. The <br />goal is that we have the Request for Bids out in the next 7-10 business days. The <br />demolition will include: the Superior Switch building, the slabs for both Superior Switch <br />and Oliver Rubber, the small building by Oliver Rubber, and removal of trash in the area. <br />