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<br />STATEWIDE TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM <br />Paoe 4 <br /> <br />Nomination <br />Form <br /> <br />PART II. PROJECT SPECIFIC INFORMATION <br /> <br />A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION. On a separate sheet, provide a clear and concise description of the <br />proposed project, including all work to be performed, right-of-way, easements required, or other <br />property interests, special land uses planned, and any relationship between the project and any other <br />work. The description should consist of one 8'12" x 11 ,. sheet with a of a maximum of one page of <br />single-spaced text. This sheet must be labeled. "ATTACHMENT 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION." <br /> <br />B. PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION PLAN. On a separate 8'12" x 11" sheet, include a one-page, <br />single-spaced schedule of project activities and sn itemized budget, indicating any circumstances likely <br />to affect commencement of work or time required to complete project. Project budget should include <br />all proposed local financing. Give as much detail as possible as to the cost of each proposed activity. <br />The project budget must include 10% for administration, design, engineering, and contingencies. This <br />sheet should be labeled. "ATTACHMENT 2. SCHEDULE AND 8UDGET..' <br /> <br />This information should be accompanied by documentary evidence of a commitment to provide for a <br />locsl match. The documentary evidence should be in the form of an official action by a duly constituted <br />governing body. The document from this body may consist of a one-page letter in the form of a <br />resolution, a minute order, or commissioner's court order that provides for a commitment of local match <br />of funding. The letter should include a recommendation that the candidate project be considered for <br />enhancement funding. The nominating entity may provide this certification if it is a public authority. <br />Where appropriate, the letter should show the consistency of the project with long-range transportation <br />plans for the area. This letter should be labeled. "ATTACHMENT 3. CERTIFICATION OF FUNDING <br />COMMITMENT." <br /> <br />For projects within an MPO, provide a letter from the MPO stating that the project will be included in <br />the local Transportation Improvement Plan ITlP), if approved for funding. This letter should be labeled. <br />"ATTACHMENT 4. INTENT FOR TIP PLACEMENT:' <br /> <br />C. PROJECT LOCATION INFORMATION. Attach a map delineating the project location. <br />Indicate project limits, areas of major work and all existing and proposed transportation facilities and <br />rights-of-way. As appropriate, include original photographs of the existing project site, a site plan of <br />proposed construction, and illustrations of proposed work. Photographs may be used to indicate <br />proximity from a roadway of sufficient classification. Documentation of the project location should not <br />exceed six 8"2" x 11" pages. The map and any accompanying documentation should be labeled, <br />"ATTACHMENT 5. PROJECT LOCATION INFORMATION... <br /> <br />D. LAND ACQUISITION INFORMATION. If land will be acquired or other property interests <br />are Involved, describe on a separate 8'12" x 11" sheet how it will be acquired, including cost estimates <br />and funding arrsngements. The land acquiSition information should not exceed one page of single- <br />spaced text. This sheet should be labeled, "ATTACHMENT 6. LAND ACQUISITION INFORMATION." <br />