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<br />STATEWIDE TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM <br />Paae 6 <br /> <br />Nomination <br />Form <br /> <br />PART III. PROJECT BENEFITS, IMPACTS, AND PUBLIC SUPPORT. <br /> <br />A. PROJECT USE AND BENEFITS. Describe below the benefits of the proposed <br />project. Description should include expected use of any facilities involved and should compare <br />current use with expected use and projected demand for use of the those facilities. <br /> <br />B. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT. Provide evidence below of community involvement. <br />support and public participation. Include a description of any opportunities for public <br />participation in the process of selecting candidate projects. Include resolution(s) or other official <br />document(s) from the governing body of each city and county with jurisdiction over any area in <br />which activities associated with the project would take place. Label the resolution Is} <br />ATTACHMENT 7. <br />