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<br />AUG 6 '93 16:47 <br /> <br />FROM COMM LNDG-MUNICIPALU2 <br /> <br />PAGE.005 <br /> <br />14. PERSONAL PROPEffIY. The Equipme"l is and wiil remain <br />personalpropeJty and wUI nOl be deemed to I iixed or attached to <br />reel BGlClo or :lnY building thoroon. II requ..l.d uy L.~~ur, <br />will, at Lessee's 8l<pense, lurnlsh a waiver of any interest In the <br />Equipment from any party h>lvin!) ..n IntAfest in any such real estate <br />or buUdlng, <br /> <br />1:>. INSURANCE Lessee, will, at Its eXfJfdl~1 II)ail',ldill at ~II tilllllt::; <br />during 111.. I MY. Term, fire and mended coverage, public liability <br />and property damage insurance with respect to the Equipment in, <br />su~h aIIl<'Unts, c:overlng such rleks. and with nlloh Inr.llmm :l!: r.h.11/ <br />be satlsf'actoryto Lessor. Of, whll LW:SU"l;I tJtM' wdUl!tt"l \7;0I~1:!:1"ll, may <br />setf.lnsur9 against any or all ~h litik~. In flv fdV..'ll will tl'le il"l!tUI'. <br />ance limlls be lesS than the amount olth& than applicable Conclud- <br />ing Payment wnh respect to such Equipmllnl. Each Insurance policy <br />will name Le~_ a5 an Insun;>d and I AA.~nr .... n~ Al\.~lon~ a.q An <br />add~lonal Insured, ",Kl will """L,," .. ul<nm6 ,-~u;";'1g the ;,-'5urer to <br />give Lessor or tts assigns alleast thirty (30) days prior written notice <br />of any atteration In the terms of such policy or the cancellation <br />thereof. The proceeds of any such policies will be payable to Lessee <br />and Lessor or hs assigns ...~ Ih..I, 1"I..r~_~1H "'''Y ..we",. UjXJll <br />ac~eptance of the Equipment and upon each insurance renewal dste, <br />Lessee will 'deliver to Lessor a certificate evidencing such insurance. <br />In the &Vent thai Lesseehas been permitted to se~-Insure, Lessee will <br />fumish Lessor willi .. ,1_ at certifICate to such effect. In the event <br />of rmj loss, damage, Injury or accident Involving the Equipment, <br />Lesses will promptly provide L9S$OI' with written notice thereof and <br />make available to Lessor an Information and documentation relating <br />thereto and,-shllll perm~ Lessor to portioi~o ~nd cooper:l!e with <br />Lessee in making any claim for insurance in respect thereof. <br /> <br />~'. - <br />16. INDEMNlFICAllON. To the extent permitted by'law', Lessee <br />shall Indemnify Lessor against, and hold Lessor harmLess from, any <br />and all claims, actions, pr~ings, expenses, damages or liabilftieS, <br />including allomey's feeS and court costs, arising in connection wnh <br />the Cquipment, lnCIuding. but not' IImllw to, I\l; ~election, purchase, <br />delivery, InstaJla~'.'possesslon. use; UEJtlltl.tiorl, Il1j!A:liulI, vl'i'l!:lul'll <br />and the recavery of' claims under Insurance poliCies thereon. The <br />Inoemnl!lCallOn provicled under this Section shall continue In tull fUIU" <br />,nd effect noiwithstandlng the full payment of all obligations under <br />thiS Le~ or the .18rmlnalion 01 the Lease Tetm for any reason. <br /> <br />17. ASSlGNi.lENT~ WIIhout LllS$or'a priOt written consent, Lessee <br />will not enher (i) assig'n, transfer, pledge, hypothecate, grant any <br />securny Interes! in or otherwise dispose 01 this Lease or t/o" E4UIf'- <br />ment or any interest In this Lease or the Equipment 0( (iQ sublet or <br />lend the Equipment or permil n to be used by anyone other than <br />Lessee or Lessee's employees. Lessor may assign tts rigtrts, title <br />,nd interest in this Le~, the.Equipment and arry documert!$ <br />executed wtth reSpeclto this Lease and/O( grant or assign a security <br />,nterest in thl5 LaMe and Ihe Cquipment, in whole or in pOJ1, sod <br />Lessee's rights will be subordinated thereto. Any such assLgnees <br />shall have all 01 the rights of Lessor under this Lease. Subject to the <br />foregoing, this Lease inures to,the benefrt of and Is binding upon the <br />'Uu,655<>r5 6l~d aMlgns cfthe parties M/C10, Lcoooo covon:mtc ,nd <br />"grees not to assen against the assignee any claims or defenses by <br />way or l:::lUaItmlttrn, ~UII, WUlllldll.:tallII. ItA,UV)JIIl~lll VI Urer m~o nl,I"I, <br />Lessee may have ..gainst Lessor. . Upon assignment of Lessor's <br />interests herein, Lessor will cause written notice 01 such assignment <br />to be sent to Lessee which will be sufficient n n discloses the name <br />of thll assignee and addlll5ll to which further payment~ hAr~unnAr <br />-,hould be made, No further action will be required by Lessor or by <br />: ess&e to evidence the assignment, but Lessee wiil acknowledge <br />:ouch assignments In wrning n so requested. Lesses shall retain all <br />"olices of assignment and maintain a book-entry record (as referred <br />to in Section 21) which identifies each owner of Lessor'S'intereslln <br />the Lease. Upon Lessee's receipt of written notice ot Lessor's <br /> <br />J..I"4'?"'; .{)':I"T~ ~O'y;~i'!!rw>o;.....,...f'tIOT~",-.I <br /> <br />assignment of all 0' -~y part of its interest in the Lease. Lessee <br />agrees to altorn to a, acognize any such assignee as the owner of <br />L.....ur.~ illl~re,5t in thi.~ U;o",,~e, ",nd L_MPe ,~hallthe..~altt1',""k. .0<.:11 <br />payments, including without)imitation such Lease Payments, as are <br />indicated in the nofi~e of 8S$ignment, to such l\S$ignee, <br /> <br />18, EVENT OF DEFAULr. The term "Event 01 Defaull,' as used <br />I n!,,'ei,\ ,11ea,',5 the occurrence of anyone or more of the r.:.llvw;UIi <br />eve",$; (i) L~ jails to make any Lease P~ (or any other <br />payment) as tt becomes due in accordan~e wnh the terms of this <br />1001:0, 3l1d :any Euch failure continues lOr ten (10) daYE ~"or tho nuo <br />./ date thereof; (ii) LG$$&8 fails to perform or OO$erv; ~rTf other cove- <br />nant, eondttion, or agrHn'lent to be performed or observed by it <br />hereunder and such failure is nof cured wilhin twenty (20) days after <br />written nofice theraof by Lessor; (iiQ the discovery by Lessor thst any <br />statement, representation, or warranty made by Lessee in this Lease <br />or in eny writing ever delivered by Lessee PUfSU81lI hereto or in <br />connection herewnh was false, misleading, or erroneous in any <br />msterlal raspeCl; (iv) Lessee becomes inSOlvent, or is unable to pay <br />its debts as they become due, or makes an assignment for the <br />benefit 01 r;;rwttor~, applies or eonsen13 10 Ihe appointment of . <br />receiver, trustee, conservator or liquidator of Lessee or of any of ns <br />assets, or a petition for reliel Is flied by Lessee under rmj bankruptcy. <br />insolvency. reorganization or similar laws, or a petttion in, or a <br />proceeding under, any bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganlZat!on or <br />similar laws is filed or instituted against Lessee and is nol dismissed <br />or fully stayed Within twenty (20) days after the filing or institution <br />thereof; (v) Lessee fails to make any payment when due or fails to <br />pGrforn'l or obselVe any covenant, condition, or agreement to be <br />performed by tt under any other agreement or obligation wtth Lessor <br />or an affiliate of Lessor and any applicable grace period or notice <br />wnh respect thereto shall have elapsed or been given; or (vij an <br />attachment, levy or execution is threatened or levied upon or against <br />the Equipm.~nt. <br /> <br />19. REMEDIES. Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default, and <br />as long as such Event of Defeua is conlinuing. Lessor, mey, at its <br />option, exercise anyone or more of the following remedies: (Q by <br />wriltel",uliw lu Le.~~e, dacla,'s an an10unt equal to all amounts then <br />due under the Lease, and all remaining Lease Paymentsldue during <br />the fiscal year of Lessee in which the defaull occurs to be immediate- <br />ly du" a.1d ~ayabl.., whereupon the ""me shall boeome immediately <br />due and payable; (iQ by written nOlice to Lessee, request Lessee to <br />(and Lessee agrees that n will), at Lessee's expense, prompUy return <br />1I1IlECJuipl'~irl'lt to Lessor in the manner set forth in Gection 5 hereof. <br />or Lessor, at its option, may enter upon the premises' where the <br />Equipment is located and take immediate possession of and remove <br />the same; (iiI) seil or lease the Equipment or sublease iI for the <br />account of Lessee, hoiding Lessee liable for all Lease payments and <br />other payments due to the effective date of such selling, leasing or <br />subleasing and for the difference belW!'en the pUI('.Msa-prir:P.. rAntAI <br />and other amounts paid by the purchaser, iessee or sublessee <br />pursuant to such sale, lease or sublease and the amounts otherwise <br />payable by Lessee hereunder; and (iv) exercise any other right, <br />romedy or priviLll(Je whirh mAy hi' ilVilililhlA In tt IInnt'll' Rnplir.iltlle <br />iaws of the stale where the Equipment Is then located or any other <br />~......I;u.l!.I~ 1.1.. u ~'ee..tI "I ..,.,./op/iato oourt aolion to onforco tho <br />terms of this Leas.. or to recover damages for the breach 01 this <br />Lease or to rescind this Lease as to any or all of the equllJ'l1ent In <br />addilion, Lessee will remain liable for all covenants and Indemnnles <br />under this Lease and for all legal fees and other costs and expenses, <br />including court costs, incurred by Lessor with respect to the enforce- <br />ment of any of th.. remedies listed above or 81'r/ other remedy <br />available to Lessor. <br /> <br />20. PURCHASE OPllON. Upon thirty (30) days prior written notice <br />from Lessee to Lessor, and provided that there is no Event of Default, <br />