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<br />AGREEMENT BETWEEN <br /> <br />PARIS JUNIOR COLLEGE <br />ADULT EDUCATION COOPERATIVE PROGRAM <br />AND <br />CIlY OF PARIS <br /> <br />This Agreement is entered into this 1st day of July, 1993 by and between PARIS JUNIOR <br />COU.EGE, hereinafter called PJC, and TIlE CITY, to provide educational services to <br />educationa1ly disadvantaged adults as defined by Adult Basic Education Federal and State Funds <br />Acts under the authority of the Texas Education Agency. <br /> <br />WITNESSTH THAT <br /> <br />WHEREAS, PJC desires to provide adult education instruction to educationally <br />disadvantaged adults in its service area, and whereas TIlE CTIY desires to provide the services of <br />identifying persons who will qualify under the Adult Basic Education Act for this service and <br />provide space for such instroction, in consideration of the mutual promises herein contained, the <br />parties hereto agree as follows: <br /> <br />I. SCOPE OF SERVICES <br /> <br />TIfE CITY will provide to PJC during the term hereof the following services: SPACE <br />adequate for instruction of students. It is agreed that availability of space will depend on the <br />scheduling of normal CITY events. <br /> <br />IDENTIFICATION of individuals who are 17 years of age or older, out.of-schoo~ and <br />desire adult basic education instroction. <br /> <br />SCHEDULE instroction for a minimwn of 2 classroom h011Ill per week during times that <br />are most convenient for the participants and that will generate an appropriate level of participation. <br /> <br />II. TIME OF PERFORMANCE <br /> <br />This agreement shall be for the grant period commencing on July 1, 1993, and continuing <br />through June 30, 1994. <br /> <br />m. COMPENSATION AND METHOD OF PAYMENT <br /> <br />PJC will pay all eligible costs: <br /> <br />1. Issue payment warrants to the teacher ofS10.00 per hour. <br />2. All necessary books, supplies, etc., allowed under the specific grant(s). <br /> <br />PJC will schedule instruction for a minimwn of 2 classroom h011Ill per week during times <br />that are most convenient for the participants and that will generate an appropriate level of <br />participation. <br /> <br />EXHIBIIA <br />