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Public hearing was declared open. With no one speaking, the public hearing was declared <br />closed. <br />Motion was made by Chad Lindsey, seconded by Francine Neeley to approve this item. <br />Motion carried 7-0. <br />5. Consideration of and action on the Final Plat of Lot 1, Block A of the Tyler 's Pizzeria <br />Addition, located at 3610 NMain St, <br />Easton states Tyler -Mac Realty of Texas, Inc. is proposing to open a pizzeria at 3610 N <br />Main, formerly the Bodacious BBQ site. The owner is proposing to remodel the existing <br />building but the property was not previously platted. They are dedicating a 20' easement <br />along US Hwy 271 and utilities are accommodated. It appears that the plat complies with <br />the subdivision regulations and staff is recommending approval. <br />Motion was made by Keith Flowers, seconded by Chad Lindsey to approve this item, <br />Motion carried 7-0. <br />6. Consider and take action on selecting an alternative date for the September Planning & <br />Zoning meeting due to the holiday. <br />Godwin states Labor Day is the first Monday of September and he has a budget meeting <br />on Tuesday so he is suggesting the Planning and Zoning meeting be held Thursday, <br />September S, 2019. <br />Motion was made by Keith Flowers, seconded by Sims Norment to meet on Thursday, <br />September S, 2019. Motion carried 7-0. <br />Lindsey requested for a future meeting to discuss the rules for public hearings and to <br />discuss electronic or paper packets. <br />7. Adjournment. <br />