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j) All residential rental units shall be served with running water and functioning wastewater collection. <br />Fixtures shall be maintained in a safe, sanitary, and functional condition, and shall be properly <br />connected to either a public water system or to an approved private water system, and shall also be <br />properly connected to either a public or private wastewater system or to an approved private <br />sewage disposal system. Plumbing fixtures shall be properly installed and maintained in as saafin" <br />„wi,A,,'.,�,ry, working order, and shall be kept free from obstruction, leaks, and defects and be capable <br />of performing the function for which such fixtures are designed. <br />k) Electrical and gas systems must present no hazard to the occupants or the structure. <br />Equipment, wiring, and appliances shall be properly installed and maintained in a safe and <br />approved manner. Flexible electric cords shall not be used for permanent wiring, or for <br />running through doors, windows, or cabinets, or concealed within walls, floors, or ceilings. <br />I) bPI l.aa"�u.,Va4 l"u' ,ist 'nw i,'awaa[Vla'd Such fl""iaaQ va�geta°V0oin,, is pein'"u'YiHb. ','ad lc',', gN`m,,v ir" as rnaV°all eib <br />OYu1� dw.8Y01¢ages or a"bU"Ua"Vw,',,a' extefrUw "ru1iI`a P °s, UIUdudIUYg, 1"x rt I°Bc'A UV1 l rla':ir to waaU" <br />(dc' isaaV'laPOhB',J("w"rsr, �dUa„k Psry R IYO,o.r�'09��alYvi "Yba� roofs, <br />