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<br />. Safety requirements that are necessary for the safe operation of the program in <br />question. such as requirements for eligibility for driven' licenses, may be <br />imposed if they are based on actual risks and not on mere speculation, <br />stereotypes, or generalizations about individuals with disabilities. <br /> <br />. Axe required to make reasonable modifications in policies, practices, and procedures <br />lIlat deny equal access to individuals willl disabilities, unless a lundamental alteration <br />in the program would result. <br /> <br />. For example, a city office buildin& would be required to make an exception to a <br />Nle prohibiting animals in public areas in order 10 admit auide dolS and other <br />ICl'Vice animals usistin& individuals with disabilities. <br /> <br />. Must furnish auxiliary aids and services when necessary 10 ensure effective <br />communication, unless an undue bwden or fundamental alteration would msult. <br /> <br />. May provide special benefits, beyond those required by the re&ulation, to individuals <br />with disabilities. <br /> <br />. May not place special charges on individuals with disabilities to cover the costs of <br />measures necessary to ensure nondiscriminatory treatment, such as making <br />modifications required 10 provide program accessibility or providing qualified <br />interpreters. <br /> <br />. Shall operate their proJl'llllS SO that, when viewed in their entirety, they are readily <br />accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities. <br /> <br />m. "QuaUned Indh'iduals wllb DlsabUltles" <br /> <br />. 'TItle n of the Americans with Disabilities Act provides comprehensive civil rights protec- <br />Dons for "qualified individuals with disabilities." <br /> <br />. An "individual with a disability" is a person who' -- <br /> <br />. Has a physical or mental impainnent that substantially limits a "major life activity," <br />or <br /> <br />. Has a record of IUCb aD impainnent. or <br /> <br />. Is regarded as havinl such an impainnenL <br /> <br />. Examples of physical or mental impainnenu include, but are DOt limited 10, such contagious <br />and noncontagious discucs and conditions as onhopedic, visual, speech, and hearing impair- <br />ments; cerebral palsy, epilepsy, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, cancer, hean disease, <br />diabetes, mental retardation, emoiional illness, specific leaminl disabilities, HIV disease <br />(whether symptomatic or asymptomatic), mberculosis, drug addiction, and alcoholism. <br />Homosexuality and bisexuality are not physical or mental impainnents under the ADA. <br /> <br />3 <br />