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<br />~ <br /> <br />SHERIFF'S TAX DEEp! <br /> <br />STATE OF TEXAS <br /> <br />x <br /> <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY lHESE PRESENTS: <br /> <br />x <br /> <br />COUNTY OF LAMAR <br /> <br />x <br /> <br />That, whereas, by virtue of an Order of Sale issued by the Clerk of the District Court in and for <br />J :.m..r County, dated April 29, 1992, on a certain judgment rc:ndered in said Coon on December 17 <br />1990, in a cenain suit NUMBER 56,224, styled LAMAR COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICl' VS. JIMMY <br />WASHINGTON, Gene Bums, Sheriff of said County, did'upon April 29, 1992, levy upon and advertise <br />the said premises as described in said Order of Sale, br giving public notice of the time and place of said <br />sale by an advertisement in the English language. published Onell a week for three (3) consecutive weeks <br />I'receding such sale, the first publication appearing not less than twenty (20) days immediately preceding <br />the day of sale, beginning on May 3, 1992, in the Paris News, a newspaper published in the County or <br />T ~mllr, stating in said advertisement the authority by virtue of which sucli sale was to be made, the time <br />of levy, the time and place of sale, a brief description of the proeerty to be sold, the number of acres, the <br />ori~ surver, its locality in the County. and the name by wliich the land is generally known, and by <br />delivering a smillar notice to each of the named Defendants, and on the first Tuesday in June, 1992, <br />beginning at 2:00 p. m., sold said hereinafter described land or lots at public venue, at the East Side Steps <br />of the Courthouse of said County, at which sale the premises hereinafter described were struck off to <br /> <br />LAMAR COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRIcr, TRUSTEE <br />P. O. BOX 400 <br />PARIS, TX 75461 <br /> <br />for the use and benefit of itself and the City of Paris, Intervenor, there being no bid for as much as the <br />adjudged value of the said property or the amount of the taxes, interest, penalties and costs. <br /> <br />NOW, THEREFORE, I, Gene Burns, Sheriff aforesaid, by virtue of the authority vested in me by <br />law have Granted, Sold, and Convered, and by these presents do Grant, Sell, and Convey unto the said <br />T ~m..r County Appraisal District, I.D trust, for the use and benefit of the Paris Independent School <br />Disuict, Paris Junior College District and Lamar County, and the City of Paris, Intervenor, and their <br />l'ssigr'c all of the estate, right, title and interest which the Defendants I.D such suit had on the date said <br />judgment was rendered or at any time afterwards, in and to the following descnbed land and premises, as <br />described in the Order of Sale, viz: <br /> <br />LOT 10, BLOCK 84, ORIGINAL TOWNSITE TO TIm (:ITY OF PARIS, SITUATED ON <br />THE NORTII SIDE OF WEST CHERRY STREET, ALSO KNOWN AS A TRAcr OF <br />I.Al'Io'D BEING .1377 ACRE, MORE OR LESS, LAMAR COUNTY, TEXAS, BEING THAT <br />PROPERTY MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN YOLUME 678, PAGE 68, DEED <br />RECORDS, LAMAR COUNTY, TEXAS (ACcr #R1S177 PARIS lSD, PARIS JR. <br />COLLEGE & LAMAR COUNTY) <br /> <br />TO HA VB AND TO HOLD the above described premises unto the said Lamar County Appraisal <br />Disuict, as trustee1 its successors and assigns forever, as fully and absolute as I, as Sheriff aforesaid can <br />convey by virtue or said Order of Sale; <br /> <br />Subject, however to the owner's right to redeem the same in the manner prescribed by law within <br />two (2) years from tbe date of the filing for record of the purchaser's deed. <br /> <br />EXHIBIT A <br />