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MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING <br />AIRPORT ADVISORY BOARD <br />THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 2019 <br />1. Call meeting to order. <br />Meeting called to order at 5:31. Members present were Ray Ball, Jimmy Noble, Brad <br />Meyers, and Anna Spencer. Also present were Lance Nicholson, Paula Portugal, John <br />Godwin, and Jerry Richey. <br />2. Citizens input. <br />No citizens spoke. <br />3. Consider approval of minutes from March 21, 2019 regular meeting. <br />Myers moved for approval of minutes, Nobles seconded. Motion passed 4-0. <br />4. Discuss and take action on delinquent hangar rentals. <br />Report distributed; no action taken. <br />5. Discuss and consider possible clarifications to minutes of December and February. <br />Clarified December minutes were distributed. Talked about success so far keeping the <br />terminal unlocked at night. <br />6. Request items for future agendas. <br />Briefly discussed a possible economic development project, the manager's report, an air <br />ambulance service that has shown an interest in Cox Field, and the May 11 Wings Over Paris. <br />Godwin also advised the board that letters have been sent notifying the city -owned hangar <br />tenants of the new leases, new requirements, and increased rental rates. The usual items will <br />be carried forward, plus project progress reports. <br />7. Adjournment. <br />Meeting adjourned at 5:44, following motion by Myers and second by Nobles. <br />