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REGULAR MEETING MINUTES <br />CITY OF PARIS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION <br />CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS <br />107 EAST KAUFMAN <br />PARIS, TEXAS <br />WEDNESDAY AUGUST 14 2019 <br />..... <br />Present Absent <br />Chris Dux, Chairman <br />Matt Coyle, Vice Chairman <br />Randy Hider, Secretary Guests <br />Linda Vandiver Barbara Wilson <br />Laura Caffey Leah Emmerson <br />Glee Emmite Kelli Mallicote <br />Mike Lazar <br />Cheri Bedford, HPO <br />Linda Knox, Council Liaison <br />Chairman Dux called the meeting to order at 4:05p.m. <br />The July 10, 2019 meeting minutes were approved by acclamation. <br />Incentives for the HD -2 Church Street residential historic district were discussed. There was <br />discussion on tax abatements of city property taxes and low interest loans sponsored by the <br />banks. Council liaison Linda Knox gave insight for the 2019/2020 budget that included <br />additional funds that will be available for residential grants. It was her understanding that there <br />could be up to $20,000 available in funds for residential grants. Council liaison Knox advised <br />that it would be up to the commission to decide on criteria for grants for residential properties. <br />Commissioner Dux was recused from the Commission to present his petition for Certificate of <br />Appropriateness for Garage Doors: 134 1" SW, Kaufman Street entrance. Chris Dux presented <br />historic photograph and his proposed project. He explained that he was going to mimic a design <br />found on the existing doors before renovation. The size of the door being a challenge, there <br />would be some infill on either side of the 18 ft wide door that will match the design of the garage <br />door. Commissioner Coyle asked if there were further questions. Cheri Bedford, HPO asked that <br />he explain the small door to the right and what his plans are for that area. He said it would be an <br />alcove. Hearing no other questions, a motion was made by Commissioner Vandiver to approve <br />the project. Seconded by Commissioner Emmite, motion carried. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Vandiver to return Chairman Dux to the board, motion <br />carried. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Emmite, and seconded by Commissioner Coyle to send A. <br />643 NW 4"', B. 435 NE 0", C. 448 NE 6a', D. 433 E Grove, E.1009 NE 8th, F. 1480 Hickory to <br />