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<br />SCHEDULE A1 - ATTACHKEIT <br /> <br />Due to the efforts of our Task Force Prosecutor and secretary, our Seizure/Forfeiture Program <br />is lOre effective and forfeitures are handled much more expeditiously. An additional full-time <br />secretary/clerk will insure that the seizure/forfeiture program will continue to function smoothly. <br />Since two new agents have heen added this grant period, our case load will, of course, he come greater <br />and an additional secretary/clerk will he required. Inquiries of other task forces with similar <br />lanpower have shown that almost without exception, two secretaries are utilized. This is the case <br />even with agencies that do not, as our task force does, prepare their own pleadings, indict.ents, <br />etc. Having two secretaries would insure that both our case reports and court paperwork would be <br />prepared on a ti.ely, thorough basis. <br /> <br />One of the primary responsbi1ities of the Clerk III Position will be tbat of assuring that <br />tbe Data Elelents are kept current and accurate and submitted to the Governor's Office in a timely <br />lanner. He/she will also he responsihle for day-to-day filing, inventory control, etc" thus freeing <br />the secretary to more effectively utilize her time for preparing case files, intelligence files, <br />court pleadings, etc. <br />