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<br />Office of the Governor <br />Criminal Justice Division <br /> <br />SCHEDULE F <br /> <br />SUPPLlES'AND DIRECT OPi::RATING EXPENSES <br /> <br /> (1) (2) (3) <br /> Directly Charged Supplies and CJDlFederal <br /> Other Operating Expenses Funds Cash Match TOTAL <br /> \s /'-B C-D- Is A.:l.L:.J.i. <br />(A) Coloring books, Stickers,€.tc. 0 S 6,000.00 6,000.00 <br />(B) Securitv and dnJ2 hGndout.s 0 I I <br />(C) Educational V.C.R. tapes 0 I I <br />(D) Local advertisi~g & hancbcok I 0 I <br />(E) COllIl1lunity signs and displays I 0 I 1. 600. 00 I 1. 500 , 00 <br />(F) Office supolies a::ld postage I 0 I 250.00 250.00 <br />(G) Travel I 0 1,130.00 I 1,130.00 <br />(H) Tuition, Registratiou and !:leaIs I 0 520.00 520.00 <br />TOTAL SUPPLIES AND DIREC I .\ S 0 S 9,500.00, \ S 9,500.00 <br /> . <br />OPERATING EXPENSES .u <br /> '-- . - <br /> , - - <br /> <br />__ ~'-c- <br /> <br />REQUIRED NARRATIVE: Describe the basis for arriving at the cost of each line item.' <br /> <br />A. - Based en cosr. or itei:ls in 19~ at .....hich time. 'We ran out-of materials. . <br />1000-~iendly Police Officer coloring books ~300.00. - <br />5000 Stick on Badges - ~225.00 <br />iooo Whistles $500.00 <br />This is just a sample of the many crime prevention materials. for~children that our <br />program used ~nd subsequently ran out of. This is t.he reason- for~ the_increase;__. <br />from last years cash-E2tch. <br /> <br />B. Items purchased for home and ?ersonal security as ~ell as dru~ hand-out informati~n <br />included the follo~ing: <br /> <br />Color Me Drug Free coloring books ~ere $460.00 per 1000. <br />Home security and various type of drug pamphlets averaged $200.00 per 1000. <br /> <br />C. Educational V.C.R, tapes ~hich include drug and alcohol prevention, all types of <br />violent crime p~eveution as ~ell as home and personal security. These ta?es range <br />from $150,00 to S2i5.00 each, <br /> <br />D~ Advertising the Crice Prevention Unit and the services that it has to offer through <br />local media forcats are SliO.CO per ad in the local ne~spaper. The $1,600.00 <br />figure ~ill alsc i~clude the publication of a local crime prevention hand book to <br />be distributed to our local citizens~ <br /> <br />E. Co~munity signs and displays such as the gun free/drug free school signs ~ere <br />$30.00 each. ;~so to be purchased are several types of locking devices and other <br />home _security e:.:c=?les to be ~ho...."n for hO::!Je and com:r.ercial security surveys. <br /> <br />F~ Office supplies c~ci postage costs are based on previvus historical information. <br /> <br />G. , Travel expenses He based on 15000 miles aaveled at 15 ciles per gallon. <br />