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<br />PARCEL NO, 9 - BARNEY BRAY - PROPERTY: <br /> <br />SITUATED about 7t miles North 3 Degrees West of <br />the City of Paris County, of Lamar and State of Texas, <br />a part of the William Ragsdale Survey No, 774, and <br />being tract 1 as conveyed Elwood Elkins by deed <br />recorded in Vol, 624, Page 230, of the Deed Records of <br />said County and State, also being the same tract of <br />land described in Trustee Deed to Barney Bray, dated <br />March 7, 1985, recorded in Volume 681, Page 287, Deed <br />Records, Lamar County, Texas, and BEING a strip of land <br />twenty (20) feet in width located over, under and <br />across said tract of land; said twenty foot easement <br />being 15 feet right of and 5 feet left of the following <br />descr ibed line: <br />BEGINNING at a point in the southern boundary <br />line of said tract of land, said point being located in <br />a westerly direction a distance of 46,71 feet, more or <br />less, from the southeast corner of said tract of land; <br />THENCE N 00 18' E, a distance of 3286.65 feet, <br />more or less, to a point in the northern boundary line <br />of said tract of land, said point being located in a <br />westerly direction a distance of 128.86 feet, more or <br />less, and containing approximately 1.51 acres of land, <br />more or less, <br /> <br />A-7 <br />