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<br />PARCEL NO.2 - RAYMOND BALL, JR - PROPERTY: <br /> <br />SITUATED within the County, of Lamar and State of <br />Texas, a part of the John Rattan survey, Abstract No. <br />799, also being a part of a 33 1/3 acre tract of land <br />described as SECOND TRACT in deed from William F. <br />Curtis and wife, Marjorie J. Curtis to Raymond J. Ball, <br />Jr. and wife, Sherry Dee Ball; and Merle R. Stice and <br />wife, Christine Stice, dated October 30, 1981, recorded <br />in Volume 639, Page 767, Deed Records, Lamar County, <br />Texas, and being further described as follows: <br /> <br />BEGINNING at the most southeast corner of the <br />second tract; <br />THENCE West, a distance of 20 feet to a point; <br />THENCE N 10 2' E, a distance of 1297.28 feet to a <br />point in the northern boundary line of the first tract; <br />THENCE S 480 27' E, a distance of 9.88 feet to the <br />northeast corner of the first tract; <br />THENCE S 30 3' W, a distance of 71.46 feet to a <br />point; <br />THENCE 10 2' W, a distance of 387.48 feet to a <br />point; <br />THENCE South, a d is tance of 831.72 feet to the <br />point of beginning and containing 0.29 acres more or <br />less. <br /> <br />EXHIBIT A <br />A-I <br />