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09/19/2019 Minutes
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09/19/2019 Minutes
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<br />MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING <br /> AIRPORT ADVISORY BOARD <br /> THURSDAY, September 19, 2019 <br /> <br /> <br />1. Call meeting to order. <br /> <br />Meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. Members present were Ray Ball, Scott Avery, Scott <br />Hearne, Anna Spencer, David Taylor and Jim Bell. Also present were Paula Portugal, Gene <br />Anderson, Carla Easton, Jerry Richey and Lance Nicholson. <br /> <br />2. Citizens input. <br /> <br />After discussion of item 4, Scott Avery moved to citizens input. <br /> <br />Peter Edenhoffer said he had concerns about signing the lease because it was a seven-year <br />lease requirement with no out. He also wanted to know about paying for electricity costs when <br />he did not know how it was calculated, maintenance of his plane in his own hangar was not <br />allowed, and parking by his hangar was prohibited. For these reasons, Dr. Edenhoffer said he <br />could not sign the lease. Dr. Edenhoffer said a lot of people were unhappy about this lease. <br /> <br />Jim Bell said he was hoping they could get help from Tom Chandler who is an AOPA and <br />helps cities develop airports all over the country. He said there had been comments that this <br />was not the lease that the airport board recommended. Mr. Bell also said he thought the lease <br />should be reviewed. Mr. Bell said they suspected the lease was written by an employee of the <br />City of Paris who was no longer employed. He said there were pilots who signed the lease, <br />identical to what Dr. Edenhoffer got. Mr. Bell said the city should take an opportunity to get <br />with Mr. Chandler. <br /> <br />Scott Avery said they would put on the agenda for next month to discuss review of the lease <br />and get guidance. <br /> <br />Jack Ashmore said he had been in hangar C-3 for 21 years, and he signed the lease so he would <br />not get kicked out. He also said he did not have a copy of this lease agreement and he did not <br />know where it was now. He said years ago they had a lease that essentially said the same thing <br />as the current lease, but it was only two and one-half pages. <br /> <br />David Jones with Air Direct said they had two hangars and he concurred with Jack Ashmore <br />about the length of the lease, and that they had no problems in the past. Mr. Jones said the <br />current lease agreement attempts to preclude commercial activities and under the Act, because <br />the airport receives federal funding they cannot prohibit this type of activity. He asked that <br />when they revisit the lease agreement, they pay special attention to this provision. The section <br />about permitted activity language should be abolished. <br /> <br />3. Consider approval of minutes from August 15, 2019 regular meeting. <br /> <br /> <br />
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