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24. No commercial activity is authorized unless it is first approved by the.Paris City Council. <br />25. p.. SSE shall at no time use or permit the use of leased premises in a manncr Contrary to <br />Iieder al, state, or local laws, ordinances, rules, or regulations. <br />26. I...,ESSOR possesses the right to periodically inspect iinprovenients and in no case less often than <br />wannually, accompanied b-LtWEE, to re ensual] Anse requirements, including those relating to use, <br />y <br />are being met. <br />27. LESSEE shall be responsible for all taxes, if any, includirlig without limit sales, use and excise <br />taxes, ad valorem taxes or other similar taxies, taxes on personal property, and other 6hargm, of every, <br />description which are levied on or assigned against the lease(] premises, whidli may be ass , essed upon <br />the hangar and other improvements, or mi y other equipment or property associated with the hangar.. <br />28. LESSEE may, at any time and from time to time, encumber the leasehold interest, by deed of <br />'trust, rnortgage or other securi - ty instnunent, without obtaining the consent ofLESSOR, but no such <br />encumbrance shall constitute as lien ongine fee title of LESSOR., and the indebtedness secured thereby <br />shd.11 at, all times be and remain inferior and subordinate to all the conditions, covenants and <br />obligations ol"this lease and to all of the ri&.,s of the LESSOR hereunder. <br />INDEMNITY & INSURANCE. <br />29. LESSEE COVENANTS AND AGREES 170 INDEMNIFY AND DOES HEREBY. <br />INDEM14IFY, HOLD HARMLESS AND DEFEND CITY, ITSOFFICERS,.AWENTS, SERVANTS <br />AND EMPLOYEES, FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALI., CLAIMS OR S-pJITS FOR <br />PROPERTY DAMAGE OR LOSS AND/OR PERSONAL INJURY, INCLUDING DEAn-1, TO <br />ANY .SND ALI, PERSONS, OF, WHATSOEVER KIND OR CHARACTER, WjiEI'I1ER.REAL <br />O,SSEX-'f (MCLUDING, WITHOUTLIMITA'1,10N, REASONABLE FEES AND <br />EXPENSES OF A,r]"ORNEYS, EXPERT WITNESSES AD OTHER CONSULTAN'I'S) <br />ARISING OUT OF OR M CONNEC'noN WITH, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, THE <br />NEGLIG04T OR. OTHERWISE WRONGFUL ACTS OR OMISSIONS OF LESSEE., ITS <br />AGENTS, SERVANTS, CONTRACTORS, OR EMPLOYEES IN CONN.111:'ICTION WITWI-HE <br />DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION OR. INSTAI.1.,ATION OFT'll-lE IMP ROVEME'114TS, INCLI JDrNG <br />BUT NOT I JMITED,ro INJURY OR DAMAGE 170 CITY PROPERTY. SUCH In'qDEMNITY <br />SHALL StJRVIVE THETERM OF THISAGREEMEN"r.. THERE is No jarmr ENTERPRISE <br />BETWEEN LESSOR AND I-JESSEE. <br />