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The applicant is requesting a variance of ten (10) feet for the required front yard on <br />both properties 2635 and 2635 Crescent Street so that the proposed houses line up <br />with existing homes. <br />Board Members decided to consider and take action on both like variances together. <br />Public hearing was declared open. <br />Doreen and Ron Ruthart, property owners, explained that years ago another <br />contractor had received the same variance on a neighboring lot. They are requesting <br />this variance so that the houses can be in line with the other houses and that the <br />future homebuyer can have a decent size backyard. <br />Sheila Simmons, of 2642 and 2640 Beverly, spoke in opposition of any construction <br />due to her concern of drainage and erosion. Carla Easton, notified Simmons that she <br />would meet with her at a separate time to discuss the drainage issues since they were <br />not relevant to the variance request. <br />No one else spoke in favor or opposition. <br />Public hearing was declared closed. <br />Board members agreed that they did not see an issue with the houses being in line <br />and that it would be better for the future homebuyer to have a decent sized backyard. <br />Motion was made by Louise Hagood, seconded by Ruth Ann Alsobrook to approve <br />the variance to Section 9-500 of the Zoning Ordinance. Motion carried 4:0. <br />5. Meeting adjourned 12:18 p.m. <br />APPROVED THE 5TH DAY OF NOVEMBE `.:119. t <br />r , <br />Chaik an <br />11-07 <br />