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REGULAR MEETING MINUTES <br />MAIN STREET ADVISORY BOARD <br />Tuesday., October 8.2019 <br />4:30 PM <br />Present: <br />Absent: <br />Glee Emmite, Chair <br />Kaydee Tate <br />Carolyn Patterson <br />Laurie Redus <br />John Brazile <br />Kari Daniel <br />William Walker <br />Clayton Pilgrim — Council Liaison <br />Becky Semple <br />Cheri Bedford, Main Street Manager <br />AGENDA <br />1. Glee Emmite called the meeting to order at 4:35 PM in the Paris City Council Chambers. <br />2. Citizens Forum — No one was present to speak. <br />3. September minutes — Minutes were emailed earlier to all board members and were available on the monitors for <br />viewing. A motion to approve the September 10, 2019 minutes was made by William Walker, second by John <br />Brazile, motion carried. <br />4. Discussion and possible action on BIG applications and awards - <br />- Daq'z Crazy and Wings — Raphyael Tyson addressed the board regarding a $5,000 grant request for the <br />installation of a ventilation hood at his new restaurant at 5 E. Plaza. The system was required by the Paris Fire <br />Marshall due to the addition of a flyer. William Walker made the motion to award a $5,000 grant, second by John <br />Brazile, motion carried. <br />• A $5,000 BIG award was presented to Janet Green for the remodel of 27 Clarksville St. The building is for sale or <br />lease with an open house coming soon. A photo was taken of the check, Janet Green and the board. <br />5. Board Member updates - <br />- William Walker reported that he and Kaydee Tate have continued to gather information and take photos for an <br />updated map for downtown. <br />• Glee Emmite reported that HPC awarded a Certificate of Appropriateness for the building at l It NE and Lamar <br />Ave. The building next door will have the same outside repairs as well. PDA is having a meeting at 8:15 AM on <br />October 9, 2019, at the Chamber of Commerce to discuss downtown plans for the remainder of the year. Trunk or <br />Treat will be held October 31St at the downtown businesses. <br />• John Brazile reported that a promotions meeting will be held immediately following the Main Street meeting to <br />discuss Mannequin Night on October 191 and Festival of Pumpkins on October 26th. Plans are progressing well <br />with the Paris Trolley being reserved for Mannequin Night. Streets around the downtown area should be back open <br />for the events. Two crews are currently working on the construction to get the streets open. <br />• Becky Semple reported that she and Karen Daughtery will be working a booth at the State Fair of Texas <br />promoting Paris. October 17-19 — Dance group will be in town. October 221 - Lamar County Chamber of <br />Commerce banquet. Nov 7' — Women Empowering Women Conference <br />6. Coordinator's Report — Cheri Bedford reported the following. <br />• Pumpkin Patch opened at the Farmers Market. Proceeds will help to fund live reindeer on the Plaza for the tree <br />lighting event. <br />• Mannequin Night will be October 19, 2019. Jill Awtrey needs a couple of volunteers to monitor the voting boxes <br />for the window contest. <br />• Christmas tree lighting is November 23, 2019 on the Plaza. <br />