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Paris Visitors & Convention Council Board of Directors Meeting; <br />October 21, 2019 <br />Members Present: Dustin Broadway, Casey Ressler, Bryan Hargis, Bud Mistry, Renee Harvey, Brittney Keys, John Bratcher, Lea <br />Emerson, Trey Glascock, Jay Hodge, Tony Corso and Greg Wilson. <br />Staff Present: Paul Allen. <br />_....... <br />Paul Allen called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm. <br />Minutes: A motion to approve August minutes was made by Tony Corso, seconded by Trey Glascock. Motion passed <br />unanimously. <br />Financials were presented by Jay Hodge. A motion to approve financials was made by Renee Harvey, seconded by Casey <br />Ressler. Motion passed unanimously. Jay Hodge stated that we moved $50,000 from our money market account to the VCC <br />Hot account in order to pay for expenses. <br />New Business:_. Paul Allen presented funding request for the Festival of Pumpkins on October 26, 2019. Based on scoring <br />criteria the amount recommended was $1155.00. A motion to approve $1155.00 was made by Casey Ressler, seconded by <br />Dustin Broadway. Motion passed unanimously. <br />Paul Allen presented funding request from TSTA for their fall leadership academy. This is a three-day event with approximately <br />150-200 guest. Based on scoring criteria the amount recommended was $1850.00. A motion to approve $1850 was made by <br />Casey Ressler, seconded by Dustin Broadway. Motion passed unanimously. <br />Directors Re,[ ort: Paul stated that we would look at possible funding for smile sign because of possible wind damage to sign and <br />frame. This will be discussed at a later date. <br />Pump Track update: Casey Ressler and Greg Wilson gave update. Their hope is that grant money will be coming in soon and <br />the process will begin. There is sitework that can be done prior to construction. Talks are ongoing with the City. <br />Adiourn: Tony Corso made the motion to adjourn. <br />Meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Paul Allen <br />(Typed by Gina Crawford) <br />