<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />THAT the City of Paris, a municipal corporation, by and
<br />through its Mayor, George Fisher, duly authorized, of Lamar
<br />
<br />County, Texas, for an in consideration of TEN AND NO/IOO DOLLARS
<br />
<br />cash and other good and valuable consideration, to it in hand
<br />paid by EDWARD R. JENKINS, of the County of Lamar and State of
<br />Texas, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have quit
<br />claimed, and by these presents do quitclaim, unto the said EDWARD
<br />R. JENKINS, all its right, title, interest, claim and demand in
<br />and to a certain lot or parcel of land situated within the
<br />
<br />corporate limits of the City of Paris, Lamar County, Texas,
<br />
<br />described as follows:
<br />
<br />BEING a part of a tract of land situated within the
<br />Corporate limits of the City of Paris, County of Lamar and
<br />State of Texas, and a part of the Larkin Rattan Survey,
<br />conveyed by Stevens Foods, Inc., a Texas Corporation, to
<br />Par i s Junior College, a Texas non-prof i t corporat ion, by
<br />deed dated the 1 s t day of December, 1986, and recorded in
<br />Vol. 707, page 119, of the Deed Records of Lamar County,
<br />Texas.
<br />BEGINNING at a point, said point being in the existing
<br />NBL of said tract, said point also being the existing SBL
<br />of a tract owned by Ray Spencer, said point being in the
<br />proposed east right-of-way line of proposed 1st N.W.
<br />Street, said point being in a curve to the left whose
<br />radius is 365.1433 feet, and whose tangent at this point
<br />bears S 410 23' W, said point being S 700 OS' W a distance
<br />of 182.4 feet from the existing NEC of said tract, said
<br />point also being N 700 OS' E a distance of 56.1 feet from
<br />proposed centerline survey station 39+88.4 of said proposed
<br />location of 1st N.W. Street;
<br />THENCE in a Southerly direction with said curve to the
<br />left a distance of 243.3 feet, a point said point being in
<br />said curve whose tangent at this point bears S 30 12' W,
<br />said point also being in the existing SBL of said tract,
<br />said point also being in the existing right-of-way line of
<br />the Gulf Colorado and Santa Fe Railroad;
<br />THENCE S 700 12' W along said Paris Junior College-
<br />Railroad common boundary line a distance of 64.4 feet, at
<br />32.4 feet nassinl! through nrnno",,,ci ('pnrprl inp <: "1" \1P\1
<br />