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PEDC Board Meeting Minutes <br />November 25, 2019 <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />demolition. Our total expenses for October were $85,703.45 and our cash balance was $4,238,927.59. Dr. <br />Hashmi made a motion to approve the October 2019 financials. Mr. Hamill seconded the motion. Vote was <br />4 -ayes to 0 -nays. <br />Discuss and ossibly a 1. ' ' <br />grove revised mcenteves for J. Stunner, <br />Mr. Paris requested that the Board table J. Skinner since we have not received all the information from <br />them. J. Skinner is considering the prospect of expansion, so the PEDC may be enhancing the performance <br />agreement. Dr. Hashmi made a motion to table discussion of the incentives for J. Skinner. Mr. Hamill <br />seconded the motion. Vote was 4 -ayes to 0 -nays. <br />American S iralWeld Pipg U'date: <br />• Construction. Construction cannot go forward on the Brownfield until the VCP process is done. <br />The application for the VCP process should happen tomorrow and it will most likely be January <br />before we have clearance on that process. We must maintain our liability because the Master <br />Agreement states that it must be ready for construction before we convey everything to ASWP. <br />• Phase II Transfer of the Brownfield to ASWP. We should be transferring in the next couple of <br />weeks. The environmental aspect is lingering. The TCEQ volunteer cleanup process should be <br />wrapping up sometime in January or February of 2020. At that time construction can begin on the <br />Brownfield. <br />• Phase III Wetlands Progress. The Wetlands are completed. We have gone through the thirty -day <br />notice with the Tulsa Corp of Engineers and they have not responded. We are about four months <br />ahead of schedule on the Wetlands. <br />• Rail Development. The agreement has been red -lined and returned to Kiamichi Rail. We are <br />expecting a response back from them in a couple of weeks. Our part of the rail will go out for bids <br />once the agreement is signed. The rail will take approximately six to eight months to complete. Mr. <br />Hernandez asked if this meets the deadlines of the Master Agreement and Mr. Paris said that he will <br />go back a verify whether it does. <br />Questions. Dr. Hashmi asked who is responsible if there is a delay in the project. Mr. Paris stated <br />that our responsibility is to American SpiralWeld per the Master Agreement. At this point we have <br />met the conditions of the Master Agreement. The Brownfield was to be transferred in October, but <br />American was notified six months ago that the environmental was going to take longer. At the same <br />time we found out the Wetlands would be reconditioned and a new application would be submitted. <br />This sped up the Wetlands finalization. At that point American agreed to transfer everything at <br />once. This was a delay to the October deadline, but expedited the Wetlands. Mr. Paris stated that <br />we are in communication with American SpiralWeld throughout the process. Dr. Hashmi asked <br />why there was a delay in the Brownfield. Mr. Paris answered by saying that all the work to clean up <br />the Brownfield was more than we expected, but has only delayed us six to eight weeks. Dr. Hashmi <br />asked what part caused the delay. Mr. Paris explained that the separation between the Wetlands and <br />the Brownfield did not cause the delay. The environmental cleanup, removal of the test wells and <br />removal of two unexpected tanks at Superior Switch delayed us about two months. Dr. Hashmi said <br />that the person responsible for the delay was the one who was responsible for fixing the wells and <br />giving us a time estimate. Mr. Paris stated that the demolition was not delayed; the environmental <br />was delayed because of the conditions for removing bad soil and examining ground water under the <br />test wells. The unexpected items found during the demolition created more work and caused the <br />