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PARIS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION <br />SPECIAL MEETING <br />Paris City Council Chambers <br />107 East Kaufman St. <br />Paris, Texas 75460 <br />Tuesda r Januar ° 7 2020 <br />4:00 O'CLOCK P.M. <br />Board Members Present: <br />Tim Hernandez, Chairman <br />Shay Bills, Vice -Chairman <br />Mihir Pankaj, Secretary/Treasurer <br />A.J. Hashmi (Arrived at 4:10 p.m.) <br />Ex -Officio Members Present: <br />Paul Allen, Lamar County Chamber President <br />Gene Anderson, Interim City Manager <br />Pam Anglin, PJC President <br />Legal Counsel: <br />Stephanie Harris <br />Call to Order. <br />MINUTES <br />Staff Present: <br />Michael Paris, Executive Director <br />Chris Stout, Economic Development Associate <br />Paula Brownfield, Administrative Assistant <br />Guest(s) Present: <br />Mary Madewell, The Paris News <br />Shawn Napier, EST, Inc. <br />Tyler Dudley, Outlaw Land Clearing <br />Austin Unruh, Brush Tech Land Clearing <br />City Council Liaison: <br />Paula Portugal <br />Mr. Hernandez called the monthly meeting of the Paris Economic Development Corporation to order at 4:01 p.m. <br />on January 7, 2020. <br />Discuss and )ossiblv a rove awardin a Bidder for Lot Clearin and Cleanin work at various <br />PEDC ro , erties. <br />Mr. Paris stated that we received bids for lot clearing and cleaning; and we are submitting them to the Board for <br />review and approval. He pointed out that the budget for these items was $320,000.00 for SW Business Park <br />development and $180,000.00 for the other properties. Mr. Napier stated that we received four bids with Brush <br />Tech Land Clearing being the lowest bid at $249,400.00. The memo in the packet shows several options for the <br />Board to consider in the amount of money spent and the lots being cleared. The first option is to clear all five lots <br />with other options including clearing some but not all five lots. Mr. Paris said to the Board a budget adjustment <br />could be made if extra expenditures are made. If not, we could stay within this year's budget and allocate some of <br />next year's budget to completing certain lots. Mr. Pankaj made a motion to go with Option Four which is clearing <br />Lots 1, 2 and 5. Ms. Bills asked if Lots 4 and 5 are next to each other. Mr. Napier answered that they were next to <br />each other, inside the Loop and basically in the Industrial Park. Mr. Paris encouraged the Board to take from the <br />SW Park budget to add the clearing of Lot 4. Ms. Harris stated that a motion was already on the table and would <br />need a second on the motion or amending of the motion. Mr. Pankaj asked if we had anyone interested in Lot 4. <br />Mr. Paris indicated that we did not. Mr. Pankaj amended his motion from Option Four to Option Three for land <br />clearing and also amend the budget for the project to allow land clearing of Lots 1, 2, 4 and 5. Brush Tech Land <br />Clearing is awarded the bid for $204,400.00. Dr. Hashmi seconded the motion. Vote was 4 -ayes to 0 -nays. <br />