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<br />@ SouthNesl8m Bel 'i!ler <br /> <br />'l8 <br /> <br />SW -943. <br />(Rev. 1-9\) <br /> <br />XI. 1.::"IAUTHORIZED ATTACHMENT, UTILlZATIO:"l OR OCCl:PA:"ICY <br /> <br />A. If a.ny of Applicant's facilities shall be Cound attached 10 poles or anchors or utilizing ancbor/guy strands Cor wb.ich co license has <br />been issued and remains in effect. Telco. without prejudice 10 its other rights Of remedies under this Agreeme::l.I including <br />termination of licenses. may require Applicant to submit in writing, within 15 days of receipt of written notification tonn Telco a <br />license application for such utilization or occupancy. l( sucb application is not received by Telco within the specitled period of <br />time. or is received a.nd specific:a.lly disapproved, Applicant sball ~ it unauthorized facilities within 60 days of receip' of <br />written notice from Telco 10 do so, or Telco may 1.1 Telco's option remove Applicant's Ca.cilities at AppLi~ant's expense at charges <br />computed in accordance with Article II. Paragraph C. and Telco shall be Indemnified by Applicant for such work in a~cordance <br />with ArIcHe XIII. Paragraph C of this Agreement. <br /> <br />B. Applicant sball be liable to Telco for fees and changes associated with any unauthorized attachment to pole or anchor or <br />anchor/guy strand utilization. Such rl!l!"I and chatu'i: "hall hI! cnmnutl!d and naid h:Hl!d unon an occunllncv Dl!riod hl!"',,ninq 1hree <br />vl!aro!: "rior In the datI! nf Ihl! di<cnv@rv of unAutl'lnri:r.l!d "nil! or anchor llllac"'ml!nt or anchor/my o;,trand utili:r.lltinn. The fees and <br />charges as specified in Appendix L or as amended. shall be due and payable for the period of the unauthorized occupa:' whether <br />or not Applicant is permiued to continue the pole or anchor attachment or anchor/guy strana utilization. <br /> <br />C. No act or failure to act by Telco with regard to said unlicensed use shall be deemed as a ratification of the unlicensec. use: and if <br />any license should be subsequently issued. said license shall nOI operale retroactively or constitute a waiver by Telco of any of its <br />rights or privileges under this Agreement or otherwise; provided. however, that Applica.nt shall be subject to a:: liabilities. <br />obligations and responsibilities of this Agreement in regards to said unauthorized use from its inception. <br /> <br />XI!. SECl:RITY I:'<TEREST <br /> <br />A. Sbould Telco remove any of Applicant's facilities from the poles or anchors covered by this Agreement pursuant to any term or <br />condition hereof, Telco will deliver to Applica.nt the facilities so removed upon payment by Applicant of the cost of tb.e removal, <br />storage and delivery, and all other amounts due the Telco. <br /> <br />B. Nothing in this Article shall operate to prevent Telco from punuina, at its option~ any other remedies under this Agref:ment or at <br />law or in equity, includina public or private sa.le of Cacilities under security interest or lieD. <br /> <br />C. Whereas Telco desires to protect the interests of its ratepayers, employees and sbareholders. <br /> <br />1. Telco may require a bond or other satisfactory evidence of financial security in an amount sufficient to gua.ranlee the <br />performa.nce of 1.11 Applicant's obliaations hereunder. The amount of the bond or financial security shall not operate as a <br />limita.tion upon the obilaations of the Applicant hereunder: and <br /> <br />2. If Applicant furnished a deposit of money pursuant to this se~tion. such deposit may be held during the continuance of this <br />Agreement at the option of the Telco as security for any and all amounts which are or may become due to the Telc.:) under the <br />Agreement. <br /> <br />3. In tbe event tbat a. bond or similar form or assurance is required by Telco, Applicant shall maintain in full force and effect <br />such bond and shall submit to Telco adequate proof u determined by Telco that the bond meets Telco's requiremenls. <br />Applica.nt shall provide cenlfication from the company issWn. the bond that the bond shall Dot be canceled. changed or <br />materially altered without first providing Telco 60 days written notice. <br /> <br />o XIII. LIABILITY A:'<D DAMAGES <br /> <br />A. Telco shall exercise reasonable precaution to avoid damasing the facilities of the Applicant and sball make an immediate report of <br />the Applicant of the OCCUlTenCe of any such damage caused by its employe.s. alents or contractors. Telco agrees to reimburse the <br />Applicant for cost incurred by the Applicant for the physical repair of such Cacilities damaled by tbe ne&iigence of Telco. Telco <br />sball not be liable to Applicant however for any interruption of Applicant's service or for interference with tbe operation of <br />Applicant's facilities, or for any special. indirect. or consequential damages arising in &DY manner, including Telco's nesJ.igence. <br />out of the use of lbe att&cbed to poles or anchors or utilizinlanchor/guy strands or Telco's actions ot omissions in regards tbereto. <br />Applicant sball ind.emnify &Dd hold barmless Telco, its employees. aglnts and contractors from and against any a.ll claims. <br />dem&Dds. causes of action. cosu and attorneys' fees whatever kind from claims by third panies &rising out of the use of the pole or <br />anchor attachment or &Dcbor/guy slta.nd utilization or Telco's actions or omissions in regards thereto. <br /> <br />B. Applicant shall exercin precaution to avoid damaginl tbe facilities of Telco and others attached to poles or anchors and shall <br />make an immediate repen to the owner oC the Cacilities so damaled and Applicant usume, aU responsibility for a.ny and aU direct <br />and indirect loss from sucb damal' caused by actions of Applicant's employees. agents or contractors or failures to follow <br />specifications provided in this Agreement. <br /> <br />C. AppUcant shall indemnify. defend and bold harmless the Telco and jomt user from any and all damages and costs. including <br />attorney's fees. incurred by the Telco and joint user u a result of acts by Applicant, its employees. agents of contractors. including <br />but not limHed to a loss or right-at-way or prapeny owner consents andlor the cost at defending those andlor consents. <br /> <br />D. The Applicant shall indemnify, defend and bold harmless the Telco aDd joint user from and Ilamst any and all cla.ims. demands. <br />causes of actions and. costs. including attorneys' fees. for damales to propeny and injury or death or persons. including but not <br />limited to payments under any Worker's Compensation Law or UDder any plan Cor employee's disability and death benefits. Which <br />may arise out of or be caused by tbe erection. maintenance. presence. use or removal of Applicant's facilities or by tbeir proximity <br />to the facilities of aU panies auacbed to a pole or anchor. or by any act or omissioDS of the Applicant's employees. agents or <br />contractors on or in the vicinity of the Telco's poles. ancbors and illYs. <br /> <br />E. The Applicant shan indemnify. protect and bold barmless tbe Telco and joint user from any and all claims. demands. causes of <br />action and costs, attorneys' fees. which arise directly or indirectly from the construction and operation of .~pplicant's <br />facilities. including but not limited to taxes. special cbarles by olhers. claims and demands Cor c1amages or loss Cram <br /> <br />Page 5 oC 8 <br />