<br />That we, Jack M. Hoskins and wife, Laura L. Hoskins, of the County of Lamar,
<br />State of Texas, as a gift and without the payment to us or either of us any consideration
<br />other than the release of the Dangerous Structure Abatement Lien of record in the Lamar
<br />County Clerk's Office, document number 095340-2012, do hereby Give, Grant, Convey,
<br />Deliver, and Confirm unto the City of Paris, of the County of Lamar, State of Texas, whose
<br />mailing address is P.O. Box 9037, Paris, Texas 75461-9037, all that certain tract or parcel
<br />of land situated in Lamar County, Texas, and described as follows: SUBJECT TO such
<br />Party Wall Agreement as appears of record in the Deed Records of Lamar County, Texas,
<br />covering the common walls of Lot 5-A and Lot 7, City Block No. 120:
<br />SITUATED within the corporate limits of the City of Paris, County of Lamar,
<br />State of Texas, being a part of the LARKIN RATTAN HEADRIGHT SURVEY, and
<br />being Lots One (1), Two (2) and Three (3) in Plat C of the John L. Fowler Estate
<br />Partition, as recorded in Book 11, Pages 417-425, District Court Minutes of Lamar
<br />County, Texas; described by metes and bounds as follows:
<br />BEGINNING at a stake at the SW corner of the intersection of Bonham
<br />Street and 3rd Street SW (formerly South 181 or Mill Street), this point being the
<br />NE corner of Lot One (1) above mentioned;
<br />THENCE WEST with the SB line of Bonham Street 97.5 feet, a stake at the
<br />NW corner of Lot Three (3) and the NE corner of Lot Four (4) in Plat C of the Fowler
<br />Estate Partition;
<br />THENCE SOUTH 108 feet, a stake at the SW corner of Lot Three (3);
<br />THENCE EAST 97.5 feet, a stake in the WB line of 31 Street SW, at the
<br />SE corner of Lot Two (2) above mentioned;
<br />THENCE NORTH with the WB line of 31 SW a distance of 108 feet to the
<br />place of beginning, and being the same property described in deed to Jack M.
<br />Hoskins and wife, Laura L. Hoskins dated March 22, 2004, of record in Book OR,
<br />Volume 1451, Page 66, Lamar County Real Property Records; reference being
<br />made to all the above mentioned instruments and records for all necessary
<br />purposes.
<br />SAID property is also known as City Block 120, Lot 6, and is located at 301
<br />Bonham St., Paris, Texas 75460.
<br />