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MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING <br />AIRPORT ADVISORY BOARD <br />THURSDAY, August 15, 2019 <br />1. Call meeting to order. <br />Meeting was called to order at 5:30. Members present were Ray Ball, Scott Avery, Scott <br />Hearne, and Anna Spencer. Also present were Paula Portugal, Carla Easton, Jerry Richey and <br />Lance Nicholson. <br />2. Citizens input. <br />No one spoke. <br />3. Consider approval of minutes from March 21, 2019 regular meeting. <br />Ray Ball moved for approval of minutes, Anna Spencer seconded. Motion passed 4-0 <br />4. Discuss and take action on delinquent hangar rentals. <br />Carla Easton said the city attorney would send letters to two tenants who were behind by more <br />than 60 days. Ray Ball said he spoke to Aaron Hiller, who told him that he came to the city that <br />day and paid eight months of rent in advance. Ray Ball also said he spoke with Dr. <br />Edenhoffer, and that he wants his attorney to review the new lease agreements prior to signing <br />them. Mr. Ball said Dr. Edenhoffer's attorney had been out of town. <br />A Motion to approve a current understanding of this status was made by Ray Ball and <br />seconded by Scott Hearne. Motion passed 4-0. <br />5. Receive manager's report. <br />Carla Easton said there was nothing new to report. <br />6. Receive FBO report. <br />Jerry Richey reported the ditches had been cleaned out near the west taxi -way. He said <br />everything was running smooth, Scott Hearn wanted to know if all of the hangars had been <br />vacated there were supposed to be vacated. Jerry said no, that Eric Clifford still had one. <br />Jerry also said he had sent John Godwin an e-mail about three hangars that were being <br />subleased. Ray Ball said the purpose of the new leases were to eliminate all subleases with <br />new leases. He also said if a situation still existed, then it needed to be addressed with a <br />formal letter from the city attorney. Jerry Richey said he heard B-12 was not in compliance <br />but he would check into that and report to the board. Scott Hearne wanted to know if Dr. <br />