Boundary Description
<br />2176 Acres in
<br />Lamar County, Texas
<br />October 1
<br />Being approximately2176 acres of land situated within the corporate limits of the City of Paris,
<br />Texas, and consisting of five Sub Zones, being further described herein, each zone connected by public
<br />right of way or otherwise adjoining property as described herein;
<br />Sub Zone 1: NW Industrial Area
<br />Being approximately 420 Acres of land situated within the corporate limits of the City of Paris,
<br />Texas and being in the J. Ames Survey, A - 28, the W. Driggers Survey, A — 281, the J. Herrington Survey,
<br />A-436 and the F. Morrison Survey, A — 592 and being approximately 1.30 miles, N 64 degrees W from
<br />the Downtown Plaza and being bounded on the East by the West right of way of FM 79 / 19th Street NW,
<br />on the North and West by the Southwest right of way the NW Loop 286, and on the South by the South
<br />right of way line of Campbell Street;
<br />Beginning at a point approximately 1.30 miles, N 64 degrees W from the Downtown Plaza at the
<br />of intersection of the South right of way line of Campbell Street and the West right of way line of FM 79
<br />/ 191h Street NW, for the Point of Beginning for Sub Zone 1: NW Industrial Area;
<br />Thence Northerly along the West right of way line of FM 79 / 19th St NW, approximately 4,375
<br />feet, to the intersection with the South right of way line of NW Loop 286 / US 82, to a point for a corner;
<br />Thence Southwesterly along the Southwest right of way line of NW Loop 286 / US 82,
<br />approximately 1.46 miles, to the Intersection with the South right of way line of Campbell Street, to a
<br />point for a corner;
<br />Thence Easterly, following along the South right of way line of Campbell Street, approximately
<br />1,150 feet, to a curve to the right, continuing South along said curve, following said South right of way
<br />line of Campbell Street, 255 feet, to a curve to the left, and continuing East along said South right of way
<br />line of Campbell Street, approximately 5,400 feet, to the intersection with the West right of way line of
<br />FM 79 / 19th St NW, to the Point of Beginning for Sub Zone 1, containing 420 acres more or less. Save
<br />Except the following parcel as recorded in Lamar County Deed Records (LCDR), Lamar County, Texas:
<br />Save & Except all of: 8.247 Acres being, Lot 1, Block A, Potters Industries LLC Addition 355, as
<br />recorded in Lamar County Deed Records, CAB, 437 D, dated May 20, 2013, known as Potter Industries,
<br />LLC. and as Lamar County Appraisal District (LCAD) Parcel 18922.
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