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lS�►S���� �lll�l��.�LL�l! <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PARIS, TEXAS <br />FORGIVING CERTAIN CIVIL PENALTIES ASSESSED AGAINST THE <br />PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1421 AND 1431 NE 7TH STREET; FINDING A <br />PUBLIC PURPOSE IN SUPPORT OF SAME; MAKING OTHER FINDINGS AND <br />PROVISIONS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE <br />DATE. <br />WHEREAS, on January 22, 2013, after notice, publication, and hearing as required by <br />law, the Building and Standards Commission of the City of Paris ordered that a structure be <br />demolished within thirty days at the property located at Williams Addition block 6, Lot 7-8, also <br />known as 1421 and 1431 NE 7th Street, and assessed civil penalties should the owner fail to <br />demolish the structure as ordered, all as authorized by the Code of Ordinances of the City of <br />Paris, Chapter 7, Article III, Section 7-49; and <br />WHEREAS, in Order No. DS13-12, dated January 22, 2013 and memorializing the order <br />of said hearing, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated by reference <br />herein, said civil penalties were assessed in the amount of $1,000.00 per day to begin accruing <br />on February 22, 2013 should the owner fail to demolish the structure; and <br />WHEREAS, the owner failed to demolish the structure as ordered, and on or about <br />August 15, 2013, the City demolished the structure. <br />WHEREAS, the current said owner, having inherited and maintained the property, <br />wishes to sell same; and <br />WHEREAS, as of March 9, 2020, civil penalties in the amount of $173,000.00 had accrued <br />under said order, none of which have been paid; and <br />WHEREAS, pursuant to Code of Ordinances Chapter 7, Article III, Section 7-49(7), civil <br />penalties for each day a penalty is assessed shall accrue interest at the rate of ten percent (10%) <br />per annum from the date of assessment until paid in full; and <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the accrued civil penalties plus interest far exceed the value of the property; <br />WHEREAS, the sale of the property will likely increase its taxable value; and <br />WHEREAS, given the above, the City Council finds a public purpose in forgiving the <br />$173,000.00 in civil penalties and any accrued interest in order to facilitate the sale of said <br />property, thus increasing its taxable value; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PARIS, <br />TEXAS, THAT: <br />Section 1. The findings set out in the preamble to this resolution are hereby in all things <br />