<br />OF1,'ebrumi, 18, 2020
<br />C li'lit-Illim ordle Boar(l ol , C orrinik"Joller'
<br />Lwrt-leld , C oillillisNiotwr oftlw Hourd of commiss it trivr,
<br />4. K. I lax nes Vice (A.tirman )!'the Board ofCommissioner,;
<br />sll�llarzl Moore -( oillm iNsiolict of the Board of( ointlik'sionct's
<br />Salk RutharL
<br />Palm.,iii Pricleinorc; Prognam Niartager
<br />I
<br />12:34 Pill till lllcsday. 1-cbrilar-, 1,8, 20"ObN (hainnancif the Board
<br />of Con) m issiollel-, (far) sir%au%:�
<br />I laving, f0ur Board Member-, present, -,. ql,10111114 %1r. � Aa,-,c thanked and uvIvomed CN crt oluc
<br />to the rncelinc!,
<br />.3. Cirizens' l'orurn ()Pcticd and clowd as ith no one preiVril to -,pc,
<br />4. MintiteS from the .DekQmOce 17. ,'_019A-1coting
<br />r,
<br />Nlinuws �Avrt: approved with a ino'Lion made hN %li% I la3 ncs and secondW by Mr. Dangerfield.
<br />Pa,,od -1-(l.-
<br />6. NFAV Bt St's FY� :
<br />a. Wcupancy Report oil Public I lou.-,ing and Section 8 8N as a4cn to the: Board
<br />h. Financial Report A as discitAsed and reported to Clic; Board u ith lvnk Ntaterrients and graph, For
<br />PH and Section 8,
<br />C- N11 -S. RUthart reported flial �clnwd filzNPCcAiOIIS iS CUrrentIN nein- done b,, Bruce MeNatt and
<br />NAM C0116111W ifflo the jlc\1 NXQc�.
<br />J. Mrs. Ruthart rcportcd to the Board that flic Illi ° is still Kirin- offtluty offilcQn, cN t;rx
<br />Saturday c% cninu ficir 4 Meters at flIC GCOr,"C Wright 1111PICX. The Officers tare "till.sUbIllittino
<br />twoorts of dicir c -x ents from I fie tA cninu.
<br />e. Mrs. RLIthart reported that after Oncor replaced tile meter the billing i., not mu,.:h difterent than
<br />beforc but that the Ill UN has contacted the I -T C. Oncor and XrntcripcixNcr mid ha -,c all this
<br />documented. Mrs. Kwhart saxs the PHA has done their due diligenvc (in thi, simation. The Board
<br />aLN-COLL
<br />f, Nlr-s. Ruthart reportcd intcrc-o ill the 111, 1) cont, orioo program Wk -D. N-lr-,. Rtithart a.-.kcd the
<br />Board. tits permission to in -,Q tigatsc thi,, and the Board aglwd to allov\ %1r,,. Ruthart to ptir,uc the
<br />matter and report back it-, the Board rt ith int'orniallOn rclaarding the RAI) program.
<br />at the Q\ainirldti 11 of the VIf X Anitual. Utiliv, Allowance
<br />IM rs. Ruthat I relx irted it) the Board that I
<br />Rcytirentev had been completed.-lbere bias n(A a 10'1change in uw
<br />utility costs ANhich naiv, there
<br />is no ehainge to the I'lilit\ allov,.alicc for thc Scar. thi, anniid'c\amination is clone liv Rob.13cin.
<br />h. I'lle open Rceords Me,,mhitp DVD gia cii to VW.. Moore tikir her completion,
<br />