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DCHHS Social Distancing Recommendations <br />1) Vulnerable Populations: Limit Outings <br />Vulnerable populations include people who are: <br />• 60 years old and older. <br />• People with certain health conditions such as heart disease, lung <br />disease, diabetes, kidney disease and weakened immune <br />systems. <br />i It is particularly important for vulnerable populations to avoid <br />gatherings of 10 people or more. If you can telecommute, you <br />should. Avoid people who are sick. <br />2) Workplace and Businesses: Minimize Exposure <br />• Suspend nonessential employee travel. <br />• Minimize the number of employees working within arm's length of one another, <br />including minimizing or canceling large in-person meetings and conferences. <br />• Urge employees to stay home when they are sick and maximize flexibility in <br />sick leave benefits. <br />• Do not require a doctor's note for employees who are sick. <br />• Consider use of telecommuting options. <br />• Some people need to be at work to provide essential services of great <br />benefit to the community. They can take steps in their workplace to <br />minimize risk. <br />3) Large Gatherings: Cancel Non-essential Events <br />• Recommend cancelling or postponing large gatherings, such as <br />concerts, sporting events, conventions or large community events. <br />• Do not attend any events or gatherings if sick. <br />• For events that aren't cancelled, we recommend: <br />• Having hand washing capabilities, hand sanitizers and tissues available. <br />i Frequently cleaning high touch surface areas like counter tops and <br />hand rails. <br />0 Finding ways to create physical space to minimize close contact as <br />much as <br />possible. <br />4) Schools: Safety First <br />• Do not have your child attend school if sick. <br />• If you have a child with chronic health conditions, consult the child's doctor <br />about school attendance. <br />• Schools should equip all classrooms with hand sanitizers and tissues. <br />• Recommend rescheduling or cancelling medium to large events that are not <br />essential. <br />• Explore remote teaching and online options to continue learning. <br />• Schools should develop a plan for citywide school closures, and families <br />should prepare for potential closures. <br />5) Transit: Cleaning and Protection <br />• Increase cleaning of vehicles and high touch surface areas. <br />