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2019-00- Disposition of( nrepairahle NtoNes and k trigeralor, <br />Moti« a madQ%3 `11r. Hj,jies iand,,cc'c9ndedISE fir.. T7aarager tele palsied 4-0 <br />2019-006 Ro:vrds Management. Po icc (Rctcration, and Dispo,i:tion i <br />\Ioiion oudc h\ Mr. 4aea:.,tc: and bl 'vh% 1-tavnc, pat,,cd 1-1) <br />2019-00 " 4 oiltrao 4'%)r laNN nc;arc: <br />Motion made hv %i,, \I% tore Tani yceonded ia\ Mr. Datnpalic.lJ p:.a_„cd 4-0 <br />8. No fut`iher or question". a rnotiota for bNa, in )dv hN Mr. Dangerfic id and <br />,cccsttiled hz Mr. isa.N,igi Motion pa,,.c;ct 4-0. Th rivd at `:'xi }prat. <br />`��tl� i�tttit�rt; �c:tr4tar� <br />-0,. <br />F x" <br />tsars, Chairman <br />I <br />